Application and technical analysis of ceramic composite combustor liner
Abstract:Based on the development trend and characteristics of aero-engine and combustor, the demand of ceramic composite materials for new generation aero-engine combustor was analyzed, the composition, type characteristics and high temperature corrosion resistance of ceramic composite liners were expounded, the process principle, advantages and disadvantages of ceramic composite liners under different fabrication methods were summarized, and the application status of ceramic composite materials in combustor liner was discussed in detail, finally, combined with the significant anisotropic characteristics and challenges of ceramic composite materials, the key technologies for the design of ceramic composite liner of combustor were proposed. The result showed that the ceramic composite liner had obvious technical advantages in the application of combustor, and its service status on multiple advanced military and civil aviation engines verified the feasibility of developing the technical route of ceramic composite liner. However, due to the high sensitivity of ceramic composite to thermal stress and its complex heat transfer and mechanical characteristics, its engineering application still faced great technical challenges; the key technologies that need to be solved urgently in the engineering application of ceramic composite liner include the cooling design of ceramic composite liner, the combustion organization design of ceramic composite combustor, the connection design of ceramic composite liner components, and the forward strength design of ceramic composite liner.
Key words:
- ceramic composite /
- liner /
- combustor /
- aeroengine /
- hot components
高温材料 类型 材料特性 应用部件 TiAl系合金 金属间
化合物许用温度:600~750 ℃;密度:5.3 g/cm3 ;热膨胀系数较低;蠕变强度较高。该材料缺点在于许用温度较低、制备成本较高 压气机叶片、低压涡轮叶片 Ni3Al基合金 熔点高: 1390 ℃;密度:7.5 g/cm3;高温强度强:1100 ℃、100 h下纵向持久性能大于80 MPa;组织稳定、铸造工艺性好、成本低燃烧室喷嘴、涡轮导向叶片、
涡轮外环、喷管调节片Nb-Si基合金 熔点高: 1700 ℃;密度:7 g/cm3;高温强度优良;许用温度有望达1200 ~1400 ℃。但存在制备工艺不成熟、中低温塑性与韧性差、高温易氧化等挑战高压涡轮导向叶片 Ni-Cr基合金 长时许用温度:900 ℃;密度9 g/cm3;具有较高的强度与良好的塑性,其中GH3044合金是一般火焰筒常用的材料 主燃烧室火焰筒、
加力燃烧室、导向叶片陶瓷材料 陶瓷 高温强度高;熔点高;热稳定性好;热膨胀系数较小;密度
低;硬度大;耐磨。但脆性大、强度分散大、可靠性低应用较少 Cf/C复合材料 复合材料 密度低;比模量高;比强度高;高温强度高;耐超高温;耐烧蚀;耐热冲击、热膨胀系数低。但高温下易被氧化 燃烧室部件、喷管部件、
涡轮转子SiC/SiC陶瓷复合材料 长时许用温度可达 1350 ℃,少量冷却气条件下可在1650 ℃条件下长时工作,密度低(约为合金的1/3),克服了陶瓷脆性大的弱点燃烧室火焰筒、高压涡轮静子
涡轮外环表 2 火焰筒陶瓷复合材料制备方法比较
Table 2. Comparison of fabrication methods of ceramic composite liner materials
制备方法 类型 工艺原理 优点 缺点 化学气相
渗透法SiC/SiC 在高温条件下,气相前驱体渗入纤维预制体并开裂,然后在纤维表面反应沉积SiC基体 材料纯度高,通常基体具有完整晶体结构,力学性能优异 工艺复杂、制备周期长、成本较高 熔融渗硅工艺 SiC/SiC 熔融的硅或硅合金通过毛细管渗入到纤维预制体中,纤维预制体中已预先填充SiC和碳粉,硅与碳反应形成SiC基体并填充剩余孔隙 制造成本低、周期短、材料气孔率低 液相渗硅反应温度高,对SiC纤维会产生一定损伤,同时基体中残留硅,易导致材料脆性较高 聚合物浸渍
裂解工艺SiC/SiC 将纤维预制体浸渍在聚合物前驱体溶液中,然后通过热解得到SiC基体,经热处理和无机硬化形成陶瓷体 制备温度低、纤维损伤小、陶瓷体可设计性强,易于成型实现大型复杂构件的制造 在制备过程中,基体收缩较大且材料的孔隙率高,一定程度上影响材料蠕变性能 浆料浸渍法 Ox/Ox 把陶瓷纤维浸渍于含有陶瓷体的浆料中,然后把表面涂覆浆料的陶瓷纤维缠绕至滚筒,进而制作成无纬布。在经过切片、叠加、热模压成型和热压烧结后,获得致密化的复合材料 工艺简单,成本较低,制作周期短,可实现近净成型及量产 热压工艺容易使纤维造成损伤,降低了复合材料的力学性能,难以制备三维大型陶瓷复合构件 溶胶-凝胶法 Ox/Ox 将陶瓷体、金属盐等调配制备料浆前驱体,将其水解、缩合等反应成为溶胶态,再将其填充至纤维预制体经聚合、脱水固化为凝胶态,反复上述操作至复合材料结构致密 工艺简单、制造成本低、制备温度低、纤维损伤小、基体组分均匀性高 制备周期长、产品体积收缩变化大、产品孔隙率较高 -
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