Numerical simulation and test of AlN ceramic jet vane
针对弹箭燃气舵轻量化问题,设计了基于高热导率氮化铝(AlN)陶瓷材料的新型燃气舵。为考察其可行性,建立了基于流固热耦合的非定常数值模拟方法,研究了氮化铝陶瓷燃气舵在不同舵偏角下的工作过程,并基于高温下陶瓷强度预测模型分析了燃气舵的抗热震能力。加工了氮化铝陶瓷燃气舵,开展了固体火箭发动机地面静态射流试验,并通过扫描电镜分析了试验结果。研究结果表明:数值仿真与试验结果基本一致,验证了数值模拟方法的有效性;对燃烧室总温为2284 K的固体火箭发动机,氮化铝陶瓷燃气舵可承受其燃气1 s内造成的最大机械冲击和热冲击;氮化铝陶瓷由于较高的热导率(理论达320 W/(m∙K)),有远优于常规结构陶瓷的抗热震性能,是一种良好的小型燃气舵选材。
Abstract:To solve the lightweight problem of rocket jet vanes, a new jet vane based on high thermal conductivity aluminum nitride (AlN) ceramic was designed. In order to investigate its feasibility, the unsteady numerical simulation method based on fluid-solid thermal coupling was established to research the working process of aluminum nitride ceramics jet vanes under different angles, and their thermal shock resistance was analyzed based on the ceramic strength prediction model in high temperature environment. AlN ceramic jet vanes were processed for the ground static jet test of solid rocket motor at different angles, and the test results were analyzed by SEM. The research showed that, the numerical simulation results were basically consistent with the test results, which verified the effectiveness of the numerical simulation method. For the solid rocket motor with the total temperature of 2284 K, AlN ceramic jet vanes can withstand the maximum mechanical shock and thermal shock caused by the engine gas in 1 s. AlN ceramic had much better high thermal conductivity (320 W/(m∙K) theoretical) and thermal shock resistance than other structural ceramics. AlN ceramic is a good alternative material for small jet vane.
Key words:
- AlN ceramic /
- jet vane /
- thermal coupling /
- thermal shock /
- solid rocket
表 1 计算用陶瓷材料参数
Table 1. Parameters of ceramic materials for calculation
材料参数 高导热氮化铝AlN 高纯氧化铝Al2O3 E/GPa $ E=E_0-BT'{\mathrm{e}}^{- (T\mathrm{_{_m}}-273.15\; \mathrm{K}) /T'}+B_1[T'-B_2 (T_{\mathrm{m}}-273.15\; \mathrm{K}) +|T'-B_2 (T_{\mathrm{m}}-273.15\; \mathrm{K}) |]{\mathrm{e}}^{- (T_{\mathrm{m}}-273.15\; \mathrm{K}) /T'} $ ρ/(g/cm3) 3.26 3.98 ν, B, B1, B2 0.23, 2.05, 0.975, 0.0129 0.22, 2.1441, 0.9278, 0.0352 E0/GPa 314 400.3 Tm/K 2785 (升华分解) 2323 k/(W/(m∙K)) 6.812×10−5T 2−2.446T+386.22 27.5−0.0289T (298~1 200 K)
1.5 (1 200~2 327 K)cp/(J/(kg∙K))
(787.00, 553.32, −192.78) (298~600 K)
(1224.78, 28.585, −635.46) (600~1000 K)
(1222.95, 9.49, −424.32) (1000~2000 K)A1+A2×10−3T+A3×10−5T−2
(1018.15, 257.52, 285.20)(298~800 K)
(1181.53, 97.18, −474.22) (800~2327 K)α1/10−6 K−1 1.68ln T − 6.3239 1.93ln T − 5.3167 表 2 陶瓷材料温度性强度参数
Table 2. Temperature-dependent strength parameters of ceramic materials
材料参数 高导热氮化铝 高纯氧化铝
σth/MPa${\sigma _{{\mathrm{th}}}} = \sigma _{{\mathrm{th}}}^0{\left\{ {\displaystyle\frac{{E (T') }}{{{E_0}}}\left[ {1 - \displaystyle\frac{{\displaystyle\int_0^{T'} {{c_p} (T) {\text{d}}T} }}{{\displaystyle\int_0^{{T_{\mathrm{m}}}} {{c_p} (T) {\text{d}}T} }}} \right]} \right\}^{{1/2}}}$ ${\sigma ^0_{{\mathrm{th}}}} $/MPa 350 350 表 3 受力峰值点处的静力学求解数据
Table 3. Static solution data at peak stress point
材料 偏角/(°) 最大主应力/MPa 最大位移/μm 安全系数 AlN 0 4.813 1.271 83.108 20 34.687 25.62 11.532 Al2O3 0 4.952 1.262 70.679 20 35.103 24.81 8.468 表 4 常温下试验用陶瓷材料参数
Table 4. Parameters of ceramic materials for test at normal temperature
材料参数 高导热氮化铝AlN 高纯氧化铝Al2O3 E/GPa 320 300 ρ/(g/cm3) 3.3 3.7 ν 0.23 0.22 k/(W/(m∙K)) 200 24 α1/10−6 (1/K) 4.6 7.5 σth/MPa 320 300 -
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