Aircraft-engine integrated performance analysis of turbo-electric distributed propulsion
为探究涡轮-电分布式推进(turbo-electric distributed propulsion,TeDP)系统的性能方案对飞机任务油耗的影响,建立了推进系统的性能模型和飞/发一体化评估模型。以150座商用客机为例,研究了推进系统设计参数对飞机质量、油耗的影响,并分析了不同电池放电策略能够带来的收益和负面影响。结果表明:燃气涡轮发动机的涡轮前温度和电力系统的相对额定功率均存在使任务油耗最低的最优值;电池的能量应优先用于在负载端无法满载工作时提供功率补充,该放电策略在电池能量密度超过400 W∙h/kg时就能实现任务油耗的降低。本文建立的飞/发一体化设计方法可为涡轮-电分布式推进系统的综合优化设计提供参考。
Abstract:In order to explore the influence of the design parameters of the turbo-electric distributed propulsion (TeDP) system on mission fuel consumption, a performance model of the propulsion system and an integrated aircraft-engine evaluation model were established. The influences of the design parameters of the propulsion system on the weight and fuel consumption of the aircraft were studied based on a 150-seats civil aircraft concept. In addition, various operating strategies of battery were analyzed. The results showed that: there existed optimal values of turbine inlet temperature and relative power of electric system to achieve a minimum fuel consumption in mission profile; the energy use of battery should be prioritized to provide power supplementation when the load can't working at full power, which can achieve the reduction of fuel consumption using a battery with energy density higher than 400 W∙h/kg. The integrated design method established can provide supports for the optimization design of the TeDP.
表 1 各部件自变量及残差方程
Table 1. Parameters and residual equations of components
子系统 部件 自变量 残差方程 燃气涡轮
发动机低压压气机 nl,zl 高压压气机 nh,zh y1 = W2−W25 燃烧室 Tt4 高压涡轮 Wth,cor y2 = W25−W4
y3 = Pth−Pch低压涡轮 Wtl,cor y4 = W4−W25
y5 = Ptl−Pcl自由涡轮 Wtf,cor,ntf y6 = W45−W5 喷管 y7 = W5−W9 电池 Hp 推进器 推进风扇 nf, zf y8 = Pfan(1−Hp)−Pcoreηe 喷管 Y9 = W23D−W9D 表 2 分布式推进系统模型验证
Table 2. Model verification of distributed propulsion system
验证参数 h=0 m, Ma=0 h=9144 m, Ma=0.84(设计点) h=12192 m, Ma=0.84 本文 NASA 误差/% 本文 NASA 误差/% 本文 NASA 误差/% 涡轮发动机流量/(kg/s) 90.22 89.05 1.30 46.99 46.96 0.07 30.16 29.78 1.25 涡/发动机功率/MW 54.62 54.00 1.14 27.51 27.62 −0.4 16.69 16.66 0.18 推进器流量/(kg/s) 2605.89 2636.451 −1.17 1264.62 1267.89 −0.26 809.66 811.16 −0.18 推力/kN 552.10 551.45 0.12 119.03 118.08 0.8 74.11 73.07 1.41 耗油率/(kg/(kgf·h)) 16.49 16.21 1.73 36.95 36.93 0.06 35.68 35.76 −0.23 表 3 飞/发匹配模型验证
Table 3. Verification of aircraft-engine matching model
验证参数 ECO-150-300 本文 误差/% 本文(燃油质量修正) 误差(燃油质量修正)/% 总重/kg 63324.2 57989.77 −8.42 64191.91 1.37 任务油耗/kg 11437.3 10461.38 −8.53 11580.24 1.25 燃油容量/kg 13107.9 10461.38 −20.19 13270.96 1.24 载荷容量/kg 13970.6 13970.6 0 13970.6 0 表 4 飞行器及电力系统参数
Table 4. Parameters of aircrafts and electrical system
参数 数值 阻力极曲线 $ {C_{\text{d}}} = 0.081\;2C_{\text{l}}^2 - 0.021{C_{\text{l}}} + 0.014\;5 $ 空重比 $ \varGamma = 1.02W_{{\text{to}}}^{ - 0.06} $ 翼载荷/(N/m2) 6000 任务载荷/kg 18000 电力系统传输效率/% 93 源端功率密度/(kW/kg) 8.853 负载端功率密度/(kW/kg) 8.14 -
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