Intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on impact feature extraction
Abstract:In view of the gear and bearing faults, an intelligent fault diagnosis model of rotating machinery based on impact feature extraction capsule network was proposed. Based on the structure of the capsule network, the original fault vibration signal was taken as the input, and the first wavelet kernel convolution layer was constructed to extract the impact fault features, so as to improve the interpretability of the feature extraction of the deep learning network. After the wavelet kernel convolution layer, a convolution layer was extended to strengthen the features extracted by the first wavelet kernel convolution layer. The enhanced features were processed through the primary and digital capsule layers to output the final diagnosis result. Therefore, an “end-to-end” wavelet convolution capsule network model was constructed. The impact feature extraction ability of the proposed model was verified through the feature visualization analysis for each layer. The datasets verification results of three different experimental platforms show that the recognition accuracy of gears and bearings with different fault types and fault degrees can reach 100% at most, presenting good generalization ability.
Key words:
- impact feature /
- capsule network /
- wavelet convolution kernel /
- gearbox /
- rolling bearing
表 1 华北电力大学齿轮箱样本集
Table 1. Gearbox sample set of North China Electric Power University
标签 故障类型 训练样本数 测试样本数 0 正常状态 420 105 1 大齿轮点蚀故障 420 105 2 大齿轮断齿故障 420 105 3 小齿轮磨损故障 420 105 4 大齿轮断齿+小齿轮磨损 420 105 5 大齿轮点蚀+小齿轮磨损 420 105 表 2 IF-CAPS模型具体参数
Table 2. Specific parameters of IF-CAPS model
层类型 核尺寸 步长 输出尺寸 小波核卷积层 15×1 1 64×64×387 卷积层2 15×1 1 64×256×373 初级胶囊层 9×1 2 5856×8 数字胶囊层 6×16 表 3 3种模型测试精度
Table 3. Test accuracy of three models
方法 精度/% 收敛迭代次数 CNN 88.57 80 CAPS 91.90 100 LW-CAPS 98.64 45 IF-CAPS 100.00 20 表 4 东南大学齿轮箱样本集
Table 4. Gearbox sample set of Southeast University
标签 故障类型 训练样本数 测试样本数 0 正常状态 1 000 200 1 缺齿故障 1 000 200 2 齿根断裂故障 1 000 200 3 齿面磨损故障 1 000 200 4 裂纹故障 1 000 200 表 5 美国凯斯西储大学轴承样本集
Table 5. Case Western Reserve University bearing sample set
标签 故障类型 故障直径 训练样本数 测试样本数 0 正常状态 0 480 120 1 内圈故障 0.007 480 120 2 内圈故障 0.014 480 120 3 内圈故障 0.021 480 120 4 外圈故障 0.007 480 120 5 外圈故障 0.014 480 120 6 外圈故障 0.021 480 120 7 滚动体故障 0.007 480 120 8 滚动体故障 0.014 480 120 9 滚动体故障 0.021 480 120 -
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