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艾延廷 刘俊男 田晶 刘玉 赵丹 姚玉东

艾延廷, 刘俊男, 田晶, 等. 基于等效间隙的机匣安装边泄漏量定量计算方法[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(1):20220153 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220153
引用本文: 艾延廷, 刘俊男, 田晶, 等. 基于等效间隙的机匣安装边泄漏量定量计算方法[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(1):20220153 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220153
AI Yanting, LIU Junnan, TIAN Jing, et al. Quantitative calculation method of the casing flange leakage based on equivalent clearance[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(1):20220153 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220153
Citation: AI Yanting, LIU Junnan, TIAN Jing, et al. Quantitative calculation method of the casing flange leakage based on equivalent clearance[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(1):20220153 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220153


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220153
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11702177); 辽宁省自然科学基金(2020-BS-174); 辽宁省教育厅项目(JYT2020019)


  • 中图分类号: V235.11

Quantitative calculation method of the casing flange leakage based on equivalent clearance

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  平行平板流动示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of parallel flat flow

    图 2  粗糙面接触示意图

    Figure 2.  Rough surface contact schematic

    图 3  等效平行间隙构建示意图

    Figure 3.  Equivalent parallel gap construction schematic

    图 4  机匣安装边模型网格图

    Figure 4.  Grid diagram of casing flange model

    图 5  机匣安装边受力图

    Figure 5.  Force diagram of the casing flange

    图 6  不同内部气体压力下安装边单扇区螺栓连接结构接触压力分布

    Figure 6.  Contact pressure distribution of the single sector bolted structure on the mounting side under different internal gas pressures

    图 7  不同轴向力下安装边单扇区螺栓连接结构接触压力分布

    Figure 7.  Contact pressure distribution of single sector bolted structure on the mounting side under different axial forces

    图 8  不同内部气体压力下安装边单扇区螺栓连接结构接触间隙分布

    Figure 8.  Contact gap distribution of single sector bolted structure on the mounting side under different internal gas pressure

    图 9  不同轴向力下安装边单扇区螺栓连接结构接触间隙分布

    Figure 9.  Contact gap distribution of single sector bolted structure on the mounting side under different axial forces

    图 10  导出泄漏通道数据示意图

    Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of exporting leaked channel data

    图 11  等效泄漏通道模型示意图

    Figure 11.  Schematic diagram of equal leakage channel model

    图 12  实验系统结构示意图

    Figure 12.  Schematic diagram of the structure of the test system

    图 13  实验系统实物图

    Figure 13.  Physical diagram of the test system

    图 14  内部气体压力对总压分布的影响

    Figure 14.  Effect of internal gas pressure on total pressure distribution

    图 15  内部气体压力对流速分布的影响

    Figure 15.  Effect of internal gas pressure on flow rate distribution

    图 16  内部气体压力对泄漏量的影响

    Figure 16.  Effect of internal gas pressure on leakage volume

    图 17  轴向力对总压分布的影响

    Figure 17.  Effect of axial force on total pressure distribution

    图 18  轴向力对流速分布的影响

    Figure 18.  Effect of axial force on flow velocity distribution

    图 19  轴向力对泄漏量的影响

    Figure 19.  Effect of axial force internal gas pressure on leakage volume

    表  1  机匣安装边有限元模型几何参数

    Table  1.   Geometric parameters of finite element model of casing flange mm

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