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卜炜峻 谢旅荣 林华川 潘纪富 于平贺

卜炜峻, 谢旅荣, 林华川, 等. 一种前缘带锯齿的斜楔激波/边界层干扰[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(7):20220474 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220474
引用本文: 卜炜峻, 谢旅荣, 林华川, 等. 一种前缘带锯齿的斜楔激波/边界层干扰[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(7):20220474 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220474
BU Weijun, XIE Lyurong, LIN Huachuan, et al. Shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions on wedge with sawtooth leading edge[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(7):20220474 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220474
Citation: BU Weijun, XIE Lyurong, LIN Huachuan, et al. Shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions on wedge with sawtooth leading edge[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(7):20220474 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220474


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220474


  • 中图分类号: V211.3

Shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions on wedge with sawtooth leading edge

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  斜楔/底板(单位:mm)

    Figure 1.  Wedge/plate (unit:mm)

    图 2  无限宽度模型(单位:mm)

    Figure 2.  Infinite width model (unit:mm)

    图 3  溢流模型(单位:mm)

    Figure 3.  Overflow model (unit:mm)

    图 4  h=16,26,36 mm锯齿草图(单位:mm)

    Figure 4.  Sketch of sawtooth with h=16,26,36 mm (unit:mm)

    图 5  实验几何模型示意图[6]

    Figure 5.  Experimental model[6]

    图 6  流场结构分布

    Figure 6.  Flow field structure

    图 7  实验与仿真壁面压力分布对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of wall pressure distribution between experiment and simulation

    图 8  不同网格密度下底板静压比分布曲线

    Figure 8.  Static pressure ratio on plate with different mesh

    图 9  边界条件设置

    Figure 9.  Boundary condition settings

    图 10  基准模型马赫数等值线分布

    Figure 10.  Mach number isoline of original model

    图 11  基准模型底板静压比分布曲线

    Figure 11.  Static pressure ratio on plate of original model

    图 12  基准模型马赫数等值面分布

    Figure 12.  Mach number isosurface of original model

    图 13  锯齿模型马赫数等值面分布

    Figure 13.  Mach number isosurface of sawtooth model

    图 14  锯齿模型分离区空间分布

    Figure 14.  Spatial distribution of separation zone of sawtooth model

    图 15  锯齿模型流场结构

    Figure 15.  Flow field structure of sawtooth model

    图 16  锯齿模型分离区结构

    Figure 16.  Separation zone structure of sawtooth model

    图 17  基准模型与h=36 mm锯齿模型Z1Z2Z3线上静压比分布曲线

    Figure 17.  Static pressure ratio distribution of original and h=36 mm sawtooth model on Z1, Z2, Z3

    图 18  对称面L1L2与面C1C2X2X3分布

    Figure 18.  Distribution of symmetry planes L1, L2 and plane C1, C2, X2, X3

    图 19  基准模型、h=16,26,36 mm模型在对称面L1C1截面上马赫数云图

    Figure 19.  Mach number contours on symmetry plane L1 and C1 plans of original, h=16,26,36 mm models

    图 20  基准模型、h=16,26,36 mm在X2X3截面上压力云图与流线分布

    Figure 20.  Pressure contour and streamlines on X2, X3 planes of original, h=16,26,36 mm model

    图 21  基准模型、h=16,26,36 mm模型底板静压云图与极限流线分布

    Figure 21.  Pressure contour and limiting streamlines on plates of original, h=16,26,36 mm model

    图 22  基准模型、h=16,26,36 mm模型Z1线上静压比分布

    Figure 22.  Static pressure ratio distribution of original, h=16,26,36 mm models on Z1

    图 23  锯齿溢流模型流场结构

    Figure 23.  Flow field structure of sawtooth overflow model

    图 24  基准溢流模型与深度为26 mm锯齿溢流模型X5X6X7X8截面马赫数云图

    Figure 24.  Mach number contours on X5, X6, X7 and X8 of original and 26 mm height overflow models

    图 25  溢流模型底板表面极限流线与静压比分布

    Figure 25.  Limiting streamlines and static pressure ratio on plate of overflow model

    图 26  基准溢流模型与26 mm溢流模型底板再附区静压分布与极限流线

    Figure 26.  Limiting streamlines and static pressure on plate of OF-original and OF-26 mm models

    图 27  基准溢流模型与h=26 mm溢流模型Z4Z5Z6线静压比分布

    Figure 27.  Static pressure ratio on Z4, Z5, Z6 reference lines of OF-orig and OF-26 mm height models

    图 28  无限宽度模型Z3线与溢流模型Z6线静压比分布

    Figure 28.  Static pressure ratio distribution on Z3 of infinite width models and Z6 of overflow models

    表  1  网格量设计

    Table  1.   Mesh quantity design

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    表  2  流场参数

    Table  2.   Flow field parameters

    $ {Ma}_{\infty } $${p}_{0} $/Pa${T}_{\infty } $/Kp*/Pa
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  h=36 mm锯齿模型各分离流线上最大马赫数

    Table  3.   Maximum Mach number on separation streamlines of h=36 mm sawtooth model

    参考平面${ {Ma}_{\mathrm{max}} }$
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    表  4  各模型分离区在平面上特征尺寸

    Table  4.   Characteristic size of separation zone on plane of different models

    模型分离高度/mm 分离跨度/mm
    Orig3.913.91 28.6028.60
    h=5.8 mm3.833.6328.2527.16
    h=8 mm3.813.5327.7226.30
    h=16 mm3.813.3827.4624.60
    h=26 mm3.802.8627.4323.16
    h=36 mm3.792.6227.4321.00
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    表  5  各模型溢流量

    Table  5.   Overflow rate of models

    h=26 mm0.0105
    OF-26 mm0.01050.0119
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