Shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions on wedge with sawtooth leading edge
Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of three-dimensional sawtooth configuration on the flow field structure of incident shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction, the flow field of wedge with sawtooth leading edge/plate was numerically simulated and analyzed, and the influence laws of different sawtooth depths on the flow field were summarized. The results showed that, compared with the wedge with straight leading edge, the sawtooth wedge was affected by overflow. Meanwhile, the incident shock wave presented a curved three-wave structure, the shock wave intensity was weakened, the wave angle was reduced, and the flow field structure moved backward; the separation zone on plate presented a “concave” spatial structure. The spreading direction of the separation zone was low in the middle but high on both sides, and the flow direction was short in the middle but long on both sides. With the increase of sawtooth depth, the flow field structure moved backward, and the three-dimensional characteristics of the separation zone became more obvious. In the overflow model, due to the side overflow, the separation at the symmetrical plane was the largest, and the separation zone presented a three-dimensional “semi concave” spatial structure. Compared with the original overflow model, the sawtooth overflow reduced the intensity of the incident wave system and the side overflow.
表 1 网格量设计
Table 1. Mesh quantity design
网格密度 网格量/104 粗网格 180 中等网格 380 密网格 500 表 2 流场参数
Table 2. Flow field parameters
$ {Ma}_{\infty } $ ${p}_{0} $/Pa ${T}_{\infty } $/K p*/Pa 3.8 3645 122.05 422415.1 表 3 h=36 mm锯齿模型各分离流线上最大马赫数
Table 3. Maximum Mach number on separation streamlines of h=36 mm sawtooth model
参考平面 ${ {Ma}_{\mathrm{max}} }$ ${Z}_1^{'}$ 0.30 ${Z}_2^{'}$ 0.36 ${Z}_{3}^{'}$ 0.45 表 4 各模型分离区在平面上特征尺寸
Table 4. Characteristic size of separation zone on plane of different models
模型 分离高度/mm 分离跨度/mm L1 C1 L1 C1 Orig 3.91 3.91 28.60 28.60 h=5.8 mm 3.83 3.63 28.25 27.16 h=8 mm 3.81 3.53 27.72 26.30 h=16 mm 3.81 3.38 27.46 24.60 h=26 mm 3.80 2.86 27.43 23.16 h=36 mm 3.79 2.62 27.43 21.00 表 5 各模型溢流量
Table 5. Overflow rate of models
模型 质量流速/(kg/s) STOF SOF Orig h=26 mm 0.0105 OF-orig 0.0158 OF-26 mm 0.0105 0.0119 -
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