Numerical simulation of transonic compressor with inlet distortion based on body-force model
Abstract:In order to numerically study the impact of distorted inflow on a transonic compressor with less computational costs, a three-dimensional simulation method was developed based on body-force model (BFM). Firstly, the modeling method of building body-force source term was studied. The test data of the Darmstadt transonic compressor were used to verify the body-force model in performance prediction of the blade rows with clean inflow. Furthermore, steady simulations with a 180° circumferential total temperature and total pressure distortion were performed using BFM. This showed that the BFM can reproduce the distorted compressor characteristics. The evolution of the inlet distortion through the compressor and the circumferential phase change of the total temperature across the rotor were in line with unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stockes (URANS). Under inlet total temperature and pressure distortion, the coupling trend of compressor and upstream distorted flow field was opposite. Compared with URANS, the BFM can significantly reduce the computational costs by 5 orders of magnitude while effectively capturing the main flow features inside the compressor.
Key words:
- compressor /
- inlet distortion /
- rapid assessment /
- body-force model /
- coupling effect /
- aerodynamic performance
表 1 压气机基本参数
Table 1. Basic parameters of compressor
参数 数值 功率/kW 800 扭矩/(N·m) 350 最大转速/(r/min) 21000 转子最大直径/m 0.38 轮毂比 ~0.5 转子叶尖相对马赫数 ~1.4 -
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