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邱佳慧 杨晨 赵红亮 张敏 杜娟 聂超群

邱佳慧, 杨晨, 赵红亮, 等. 基于体积力模型的跨声压气机进气畸变数值模拟[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(8):20220526 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220526
引用本文: 邱佳慧, 杨晨, 赵红亮, 等. 基于体积力模型的跨声压气机进气畸变数值模拟[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(8):20220526 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220526
QIU Jiahui, YANG Chen, ZHAO Hongliang, et al. Numerical simulation of transonic compressor with inlet distortion based on body-force model[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(8):20220526 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220526
Citation: QIU Jiahui, YANG Chen, ZHAO Hongliang, et al. Numerical simulation of transonic compressor with inlet distortion based on body-force model[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(8):20220526 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220526


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220526
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51922098,51790510); 国家重大科技专项(2017-Ⅱ-0004-0017)




  • 中图分类号: V231.3

Numerical simulation of transonic compressor with inlet distortion based on body-force model

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  计算域网格

    Figure 1.  Computational domain and grid distribution

    图 2  余弦分布和线性分布的对比

    Figure 2.  Comparison of cosine and linear distributions

    图 3  不同分布形式下熵云图的对比

    Figure 3.  Comparison of entropy contour with different distribution forms

    图 4  转子前缘探测面周向各扇区示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic of circumferential sector before rotor leading edge

    图 5  Darmstadt 跨声压气机均匀进气特性曲线

    Figure 5.  Performance map of Darmstadt compressor with clean inlet

    图 6  不同轴向位置气流参数沿径向分布的对比

    Figure 6.  Comparison of flow parameters spanwise distributions at different axial locations

    图 7  子午面绝对切向速度云图对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of absolute tangential velocity contour at meridional plane

    图 8  子午面静压云图对比

    Figure 8.  Comparison of static pressure contour at meridional plane

    图 9  进口总温分布

    Figure 9.  Total temperature distribution at inlet

    图 10  进口总压分布

    Figure 10.  Total pressure distribution at inlet

    图 11  压气机不同进气畸变特性点位置

    Figure 11.  Position of characteristic point with different inlet distortion of compressor

    图 12  总温畸变下转子出口总温云图对比

    Figure 12.  Comparison of total temperature contour at rotor outlet with total temperature distortion

    图 13  总温畸变下三维体积力计算结果

    Figure 13.  Calculation results of three-dimensional body-force model with total temperature distortion

    图 14  总温畸变下压气机上游流场密流及静压的周向分布

    Figure 14.  Distributions of mass flux and static pressure ahead of rotor with total temperature distortion

    图 15  总温畸变下转子前缘绝对切向速度云图

    Figure 15.  Contour of absolute tangential velocity before rotor leading edge with total temperature distortion

    图 16  总压畸变下压气机上游流场密流及静压的周向分布

    Figure 16.  Distributions of mass flux and static pressure ahead of rotor with total pressure distortion

    图 17  总压畸变下转子前缘截面绝对切向速度云图

    Figure 17.  Contour of absolute tangential velocity before rotor leading edge with total pressure distortion

    表  1  压气机基本参数

    Table  1.   Basic parameters of compressor

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