Design and verification of engine control system with digital electronic backup
Abstract:Based on the conventional dual redundancy digital electronic control system, a scheme of engine control system with digital electronic backup was proposed. When the main control system failed, the electronic backup system can take over the main control system to realize various functions of the engine, and improve the task reliability of the system. The backup system was built into the hydraulic and mechanical components to enhance the system’s electronic anti-interference and electromagnetic resistance. The results of semi-physical and engine tests verification showed that the main and backup systems, as well as the system and the engine worked well; the main and backup switching functions were normal, and smooth transition of the switching process parameters was realized. When switching in cruise state, the thrust disturbance was less than 1.5%; each control function of the backup system was normal, the control accuracy of the main control parameter pressure ratio was less than 0.1, the swing was less than 0.1, the control accuracy of the guide vane was less than 0.15°, and the swing was less than 0.2°, the fuel and guide vane followed well during acceleration and deceleration, and the steady-state and transient performance met the engine operating requirements; the heat dissipation design also met the operating requirements of the device.
表 1 两种备份方案对比
Table 1. Comparison of two backup schemes
对比项目 带机械液压备份系统 带数字电子备份系统 任务可靠性 增加余度,相对于双余度数字电子控制系统任务
进行重构增加余度,相对于双余度数字电子控制系统任务可靠性提升;且在主系统部分失效时,主系统可通过控制备份系统的资源实现重构,提升主系统的任务可靠性 耐强电磁能力 具有较强的耐电磁能力 通过机械液压组件壳体的金属屏蔽作用,具有较强的耐电磁能力 控制精度 低 高 控制规律修改 更改机械结构,不易修改,且需通过调整钉调整,
调整精度差更改控制软件,修改方便 结构复杂性 复杂 简单 质量 相较于电备份系统增加4.5 kg 较轻 故障前工作时长/105 h 2.4 1.9 维护性 不易于维护检测,不易于故障排查 专用维护接口,通过自身的BIT检测模块可快速定位故障,在使用时可通过自检向主控制器发送自身状态信息 研制周期 18个月 10个月 表 2 主、备系统控制规律对比
Table 2. Comparison of control laws between main and standby systems
序号 实现的功能 主控规律 备份规律 1 地面起动功能 燃油开环控制 2 空中起动功能 通过起动模式确认,
加速供油逻辑,同时接通手动点火,实现发动机空中起动3 稳态控制 转速闭环控制 压比闭环控制 4 过渡态控制 加减速油气比开环控制 加减速油气比开环控制 5 可调导叶控制 高压转子换算转速控制 压比进行控制 6 放气控制 高压转子换算转速控制 按压比进行控制 -
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