Simulation of the effect of interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor on turbofan engine performance
为了分析级间燃烧室的压力恢复系数在不同飞行状态下,对中等涵道比带级间燃烧室混合排气涡扇发动机净推力和单位燃油消耗率的影响,基于原未带级间燃烧室发动机的循环参数,增设了级间燃烧,建立了部件级稳态性能计算模型,仿真结果表明了:当涡扇发动机在飞行高度为5 km,飞行马赫数为0.8,级间燃烧室压力恢复系数由0.92变为0.8时,单位燃油消耗率相对增加12.2%;而当飞行高度为5 km,飞行马赫数为1.8,级间燃烧室压力恢复系数由0.92变为0.8时,单位燃油消耗率相对增加20.3%。所用的计算程序在进行模型仿真时,级间燃烧室压力恢复系数基本不变,而在现有的级间燃烧室研究中表明:级间燃烧室压力恢复系数会随着飞行马赫数的增加而变大,当飞行马赫数由0.8变为1.8时,级间燃烧室压力恢复系数会相对增大2%以上,因此对计算结果采用了变级间燃烧室压力恢复系数的视角,研究了其对发动机性能的影响。
- 中等涵道比混合排气涡扇发动机 /
- 级间燃烧室压力恢复系数 /
- 飞行马赫数 /
- 净推力 /
- 单位燃油耗油率
Abstract:In order to analyze the influence of interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor on the net thrust and specific fuel consumption of mixed exhaust turbofan engine with medium bypass ratio under different flight conditions, the interstage burning was added, and the steady-state performance calculation model of component level was established based on the original engine without interstage turbine burner cycle parameters. The simulation results showed that: when the turbofan aeroengine flight height was 5 km and flight Mach number was 0.8, and the interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor changed from 0.92 to 0.8, resulting in the increase of specific fuel consumption by 12.2%. When the flight height was 5 km, and flight Mach number was 1.8, the interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor changed from 0.92 to 0.8, which increased the specific fuel consumption of the engine by 20.3%. When the calculation program was used in model simulation, the pressure recovery factor of interstage turbine burner was basically unchanged. However, existing studies on interstage turbine burner showed that: the interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor could aggrandize with the increase of flight Mach number. When the flight Mach number changed from 0.8 to 1.8, the interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor increased by more than 2%. Therefore, the calculation results were adopted from the perspective of variable interstage turbine burner pressure recovery factor to study its influence on engine performance.
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