Development and application of virtual flight balance measurement device for aircraft with lateral jet
Abstract:To meet the requirements of virtual flight wind tunnel testing for aircraft with lateral jet, the measurement device composed of two independent four-component wind tunnel balances, transmission shaft and supporting crossbeam, etc, was applied to respectively measure the aerodynamic loads of the front/rear two parts model at the same time. By finite element software, the sensitivity of each balance, the interference of transmission shaft and the influence of high-pressure gas on balance were analyzed. The results showed that the transmission shaft had little effect on the force component of the balance, the interference on the pitch moment was about 2.5% and that on the yaw moment was 8%, the impact of pressure on the front balance was less than 2% and that on the rear balance was less than 9%. Based on the static calibration formula of each balance, an aerodynamic load calculation method suitable for measurement device was generated. The correctness of the method was verified through simulated loading. Finally, the performance of the measurement device for aircraft with lateral jet was verified through the wind tunnel tests. The results of static calibration and wind tunnel tests showed that static calibration data were consistent with finite element analysis results, the measurement device had stable performance and accurate measurement values, so it can meet the requirements of virtual flight test research.
Key words:
- virtual flight /
- lateral jet /
- wind tunnel balance /
- finite element analysis /
- static calibration /
- wind tunnel test
表 1 模型载荷
Table 1. Load of model
名称 Y/N Mz/(N·m) Z/N My/(N·m) 前模型 17100 15300 9900 9000 后模型 18900 17100 11700 10800 表 2 天平设计载荷
Table 2. Design load of balance
名称 Y/N Mz/(N·m) Z/N My/(N·m) 前天平 17100 7610 9900 4406 后天平 18900 8975 11700 5558 表 3 设计载荷作用下,法向力Y和俯仰力矩Mz分量贴片区域的平均应变
Table 3. Average strain of Y and Mz component in paste area under design load
10−6 位置 法向力Y 俯仰力矩Mz M1 M2 M1 M2 L5 L6 L7 L8 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L1 L2 L3 L4 前天平 189 189 −188 −188 −198 −198 198 198 −520 −518 517 516 −540 −539 540 539 后天平 162 162 −162 −162 −173 −173 171 171 −586 −586 587 587 −618 −618 613 612 表 4 设计载荷作用下,侧向力Z和偏航力矩My分量贴片区域的平均应变
Table 4. Average strain of Z and My component in paste area under design load
10−6 位置 侧向力Z 偏航力矩My M5 M6 M5 M6 L13 L14 L15 L16 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L9 L10 L11 L12 前天平 147 −148 147 −148 −153 154 −153 154 400 −401 400 −402 417 −419 417 −419 后天平 132 −133 132 −133 −129 135 −129 135 474 −478 474 −479 469 −484 468 −484 表 5 设计载荷作用下,各分量电桥信号理论输出值
Table 5. Theoretical output of each bridge under design load
mV 位置 分量 UY UMz UZ UMy 前天平 UY 7.6413 0.1878 UMz 0.4300 20.9025 UZ 5.9510 −0.1186 UMy −0.341 16.1872 后天平 UY 6.6860 0.2002 UMz 0.5755 24.0566 UZ 5.2948 0.0100 UMy 0 19.0671 表 6 设计载荷及内压力作用下,法向力Y和俯仰力矩Mz分量贴片区域的平均应变
Table 6. Average strain of Y and Mz component in paste area under design load and internal pressure
10−6 位置 法向力Y 俯仰力矩Mz M1 M2 M1 M2 L5 L6 L7 L8 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L1 L2 L3 L4 前天平 107 107 −270 −270 −302 −301 94 94 −603 −600 435 434 −644 −643 437 436 后天平 73 73 −252 −252 −282 −282 63 63 −675 −675 498 497 −727 −728 505 504 表 7 设计载荷及内压力作用下,侧向力Z和偏航力矩My分量贴片区域的平均应变
Table 7. Average strain of Z and My component in paste area under design load and internal pressure
10−6 位置 侧向力Z 偏航力矩My M5 M6 M5 M6 L13 L14 L15 L16 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L9 L10 L11 L12 前天平 22 −274 22 −274 −304 2 −304 2 275 −528 275 −526 266 −571 266 571 后天平 0 −266 0 −266 −264 −6 −264 −6 343 −611 343 −612 333 −625 333 −625 表 8 设计载荷及内压力作用下,各分量电桥信号理论输出值
Table 8. Theoretical output of each bridge under design load and internal pressure
mV 位置 分量 UY UMz UZ UMy 前天平 UY 7.6364 0.1829 UMz 0.4350 20.9173 UZ 5.9460 −0.1038 UMy −0.3460 16.2020 后天平 UY 6.7060 0.2002 UMz 0.5955 24.0666 UZ 5.24472 0.0801 UMy −0.0350 19.1422 表 9 设计载荷作用下,带传动轴状态天平各分量贴片区域平均应变
Table 9. Average strain of each component of balance with transmission shaft under design load
10−6 位置 法向力Y 俯仰力矩Mz 侧向力Z 偏航力矩My 前天平 194 516 148 380 后天平 168 585 132 436 表 10 前天平充压/未充压校准结果
Table 10. Calibration results of front balance with/without pressure
参数 未充压 充压(20 MPa) 力分量/N 力矩分量/(N·m) 力分量/N 力矩分量/(N·m) 法向力Y 侧向力Z 俯仰力矩Mz 偏航力矩My 法向力Y 侧向力Z 俯仰力矩Mz 偏航力矩My 设计载荷 17100 9900 7610 4406 17100 9900 7610 4406 校准载荷 18000 5760 6400 4800 18000 5760 6400 4800 供桥电压/V 9.8853 9.8853 9.8853 9.8853 9.8853 9.8853 9.8853 9.8853 综合加载误差/% 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 综合加载重复性误差/% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.02 表 11 后天平充压/未充压校准结果
Table 11. Calibration results of rear balance with/without pressure
参数 未充压 充压(20 MPa) 力分量/N 力矩分量/(N·m) 力分量/N 力矩分量/(N·m) 法向力Y 侧向力Z 俯仰力矩Mz 偏航力矩My 法向力Y 侧向力Z 俯仰力矩Mz 偏航力矩My 设计载荷 18900 11700 8975 5558 18900 11700 8975 5558 校准载荷 23040 21600 6400 6400 23040 21600 6400 6400 供桥电压/V 10.009 10.009 10.009 10.009 10.009 10.009 10.009 10.009 综合加载误差/% 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.12 0.13 综合加载重复性误差/% 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 -
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