An experimental investigation has been carried out.The influences of attack angle (α=0°~45°) and yaw angle (β=-15°~+15°) on caret inlet gas-dynamic performance were investigated experimentally.The variation of the inlet performance parameters with the attack angles,as well as total pressure contour plots of inlet/exit at typical states,have been presented,and the relationship between flow characteristics of the inlet and its exit total pressure contour plots has also been analyzed.It is shown that,in the condition of low speed incoming flow (
Ma≈0 1),the inlet total pressure recovery coefficient decreases slowly with the increase of attack angle (α=0°~45°),and the total pressure distortion is nearly unchanging.As a result,caret inlet is favorable to maneuver flight at large attack angle.With zero attack angle and at same exit Mach number,the yaw angle has a great influence on position of inlet/exit higher and lower total pressure domains,i.e.the whole exit flow field rotates clock-wise as the yaw angle increases (β=-15°~+15°).However,the influence of the yaw angle becomes weaker with the increase of attack angle.