Impact of heptadecance and octadecane on physical properties and SMD of kerosene
摘要: 讨论了正十七烷与正十八烷(C17,C18)对燃料运动黏度、密度、表面张力理化性能的影响,探究了直链烷烃对SMD(Sauter mean diameter)的影响.将Key's混合规律、Tat混合规律和多项式拟合应用于密度公式的拟合,并将Key's混合规律与对数拟合应用于运动黏度公式的拟合,得出的理化性能拟合公式精度较高;通过测量纯煤油及C17,C18混合油雾化的SMD,实验发现随着直链烷烃的质量分数的增加,混合油的运动黏度增加,SMD也随之增加,雾化效果与纯航空煤油的相比较差,而C18混合油的SMD要比C17混合油要大,并且利用密度、运动黏度的拟合公式对SMD进行预测的偏差小于0.3%.
- 混合油 /
- 正十七烷 /
- 正十八烷 /
- 理化性能 /
- 索太尔平均直径(SMD)
Abstract: The impact of n-alkanes (C17~C18) on the physical properties of kerosene, including kinematic viscosity, density and surface tension was dicussed, and the effects of n-alkanes (C17~C18) on SMD (Sauter mean diameter) were investigated. The density fitting equation used Key's blending law, Tat blending law and polynomial fitting. The viscosity fitting equation used Key's blending law and logarithmic fitting. This fitting equation in this investigation have optimal accuracy. The atomization experiment shows that the SMD of blending fuels increases with the mass percentage of n-alkanes, which means that the added n-alkanes have negative effect to the atomization performance. The SMD of C18 blending fuels is larger than C17 blending fuels'. The fitting equation of physical properties are used to predict SMD of the blending fuels, and its error is less than 0.3%.-
Key words:
- blending fuel /
- heptadecane /
- octadecane /
- physical properties /
- Sauter mean diameter(SMD)
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