Mechanism of influence of pre-swirl on leakage and rotordynamic characteristics of swirl brake seal
摘要: 应用非定常动网格技术,建立了阻旋栅密封多频椭圆涡动泄漏特性与动力特性求解模型,研究了周向含20、40个阻旋栅和40个加长型阻旋栅密封在不同预旋比下的泄漏特性与动力特性,并在实验验证数值模型准确性基础上,分析了预旋对密封进口流场,密封腔室旋流强度,周向压差及气流激振力影响,揭示了预旋对阻旋栅密封泄漏特性与动力特性影响机理。研究结果表明:阻旋栅密封突出特点在于抑制气流激振,对泄漏量影响不大,当预旋比λ0为0.75,40个加长型阻旋栅密封泄漏量相比无阻旋栅密封降低了0.17%,这主要是预旋增大使周向气流流速增加,加剧了阻旋栅之间的涡流能量耗散现象;而阻旋栅数量增加有利于气流在阻旋栅之间的涡流能量耗散。阻旋栅密封交叉刚度随预旋比增大而增大,随阻旋栅数量或长度增加而降低;直接阻尼和有效阻尼随预旋比增大而减小,随阻旋栅数量或长度增加而增大。预旋比增大使密封腔室周向压差升高,气流激振力切向分力与径向分力增大,转子稳定性降低。Abstract: The unsteady dynamic mesh method was used to establish a multi-frequency elliptical whirl solving model to obtain the leakage and dynamic characteristics.The leakage and dynamic characteristics of the seal with 20,40 swirl brakes and 40 long swirl brakes in the circumferential direction under different pre-swirl ratios were studied; based on the experimental verification of the accuracy of the numerical model,the changes of the flow field at the seal inlet,the swirl intensity in the seal cavity,the circumferential pressure difference and the flow excitation force were calculated and analyzed,and the influence mechanism of pre-swirl on the leakage and dynamic characteristics of the swirl brake seal was revealed. The results showed that the prominent feature of the swirl brake seal lies in that it can restrain the flow excitation and has little influence on the leakage. 40 long swirl brakes can reduce the leakage by 0.17% compared with the non-swirl brake seal when pre-swirl ratio was 0.75,primarily owing to the fact that the increase of pre-swirl augmented the circumferential flow component,which further aggravated the whirl dissipation phenomenon between the swirl brakes. The increase in the number of swirl brakes was beneficial to the dissipation of flow by swirling flow between the swirl brakes,thus reducing the leakage. Cross stiffness increased with the increase of pre-swirl ratio,and cross stiffness decreased while direct stiffness and effective stiffness increased with the increase of the number and length of swirl brakes under the same pre-swirl ratio. Direct damping and effective damping decreased with the increase of pre-swirl ratio,and increased with the increase of the number and length of swirl brakes. With the increase of pre-swirl ratio,the circumferential pressure difference of the seal cavity increased,the tangential component of the excitation force increased,and the radial component enlarged,which reduced the stability of the rotor.
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