Multi-component characterization of aviation kerosene and analysis of fuel soot formation
选取航空煤油的多组分表征燃料Jet-A world average(JW),运用大涡模拟和详细化学反应机理相结合的方法对该表征燃料的碳烟生成过程进行了数值模拟,从碳烟前驱物的生成、碳烟颗粒的生成及氧化等过程进行了详细预测。结果表明:Dalian碳烟模型可以较好地预测定容弹内多组分航空煤油表征燃料射流燃烧的碳烟的生长特性;对于描述碳烟生成的特征量,碳烟质量的增长略微滞后于颗粒数密度的增长;碳烟空间分布主要与当量比和温度的分布相关。当量比越小且温度越高的区域,碳烟生成量则越小。
Abstract:The multi-component characterization fuel Jet-A world average (JW) of aviation kerosene was selected, and the soot generation process of the characterization fuel was numerically simulated by using large eddy simulation (LES) and detailed chemical reaction mechanism. The soot precursor generation, soot particle generation and oxidation process were predicted in detail. The results showed that the Dalian soot model can predict the spatial distribution of soot mass in the combustion chamber; for the physical quantity describing soot generation, the growth of soot quality slightly lagged behind that of particle number density; the spatial distribution of soot is mainly related to the distribution of equivalence ratio and temperature. The smaller the equivalence ratio and the higher the temperature, the smaller the amount of soot generated.
表 1 替代燃料模型
Table 1. Alternative fuel model
参数 数值及说明 替代燃料 JW 燃料组分
(摩尔分数)NC12H26 0.3 IC16H34 0.36 C10H18 0.246 C7H8 0.094 化学反应组分数 231 化学反应数 5741 -
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