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汪俊熙 任家海 汤福龙

汪俊熙, 任家海, 汤福龙. 航空发动机高压转子模拟平衡工艺分析与控制[J]. 航空动力学报, 2023, 38(3):522-534 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210460
引用本文: 汪俊熙, 任家海, 汤福龙. 航空发动机高压转子模拟平衡工艺分析与控制[J]. 航空动力学报, 2023, 38(3):522-534 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210460
WANG Junxi, REN Jiahai, TANG Fulong. Analysis and control of dummy balance process of aero-engine high pressure rotor[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2023, 38(3):522-534 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210460
Citation: WANG Junxi, REN Jiahai, TANG Fulong. Analysis and control of dummy balance process of aero-engine high pressure rotor[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2023, 38(3):522-534 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210460


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20210460


  • 中图分类号: V263.2+2

Analysis and control of dummy balance process of aero-engine high pressure rotor

  • 摘要:

    针对大涵道比航空发动机高压转子采用模拟平衡工艺缺少数学分析手段以及模拟转子技术指标缺少制定依据的问题,提出一种模拟平衡工艺量化分析方法。以过转子重心的静和偶不平衡矢量来表示转子不平衡状态,定义了包含质量偏差、重心位置偏差、转动惯量偏差和端跳偏差的模拟转子模型,结合模拟平衡过程和转位平衡原理,建立转子校正不平衡量和转位补偿量数学模型,以高压组合转子初始不平衡量来评估模拟平衡质量。结果表明:模拟平衡能替代组合平衡,被平衡的两个转子均具备装配互换性和装配对接角度不受限制的特点;本案例中为控制模拟平衡质量,模拟转子质量偏差应在±4%以内,重心位置偏差应在±2 mm以内,直径和极转动惯量偏差均应在±5%以内,端跳偏差应小于0.008 mm。


  • 图 1  转子支承轴颈处偏心量与结合面处端跳转换示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of conversion between eccentricity at rotor support journal and end runout at joint surface

    图 2  转子简化示意图

    Figure 2.  Simplified schematic diagram of rotor

    图 3  高压压气机转子与模拟高压涡轮转子组合对接示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of combined of high pressure compressor rotor and dummy high pressure turbine rotor

    图 4  高压压气机转子0°位置与模拟高压涡轮转子组合对接示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of high pressure compressor rotor combined with dummy high pressure turbine rotor at 0° position

    图 5  高压压气机转子180°位置与模拟高压涡轮转子组合对接示意图

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of high pressure compressor rotor combined with dummy high pressure turbine rotor at 180 ° position

    图 6  高压压气机转子被平衡校正后的剩余不平衡量

    Figure 6.  Residual unbalance of high pressure compressor rotor after balance correction

    图 7  高压涡轮转子被平衡校正后的剩余不平衡量

    Figure 7.  Residual unbalance of high pressure turbine rotor after balance correction

    图 8  高压组合转子示意图

    Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of high pressure combined rotor

    图 9  某发动机高压转子结构示意图

    Figure 9.  Structure schematic diagram of high pressure rotor of an engine

    图 10  转子对接角度变化对组合转子初始不平衡量影响

    Figure 10.  Influence of rotor assembly angle on initial unbalance of combined rotor

    图 11  模拟转子质量偏差对组合转子初始不平衡量影响

    Figure 11.  Influence of mass deviation of dummy rotor on the combined rotor’s initial unbalance

    图 12  模拟转子重心位置偏差对组合转子初始不平衡量影响

    Figure 12.  Influence of gravity position center deviation of dummy rotor on the combined rotor’s initial unbalance

    图 13  模拟转子直径和极转动惯量偏差对组合转子初始不平衡量影响

    Figure 13.  Influence of rotor diameter and polar moment deviation of dummy rotor on the combined rotor’s initial unbalance

    图 14  实际转子端跳对组合转子初始不平衡量影响

    Figure 14.  Influence of actual rotor end runout on initial unbalance of combined rotor

    图 15  模拟转子端跳对实际转子转位补偿量影响

    Figure 15.  Influence of rotor end runout of dummy rotor on actual rotor index compensation

    表  1  某发动机高压转子结构参数和模拟转子参数

    Table  1.   Structural parameters and dummy rotor parameters of high pressure rotor of an engine

    高压涡轮转子m2/105 g1.5
    ΔJc/108 (g·mm2−5.58
    ΔJt/108 (g·mm24.92
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    表  2  采用不同平衡工艺的平衡结果

    Table  2.   Balance results of different balance processes

    组合平衡工艺960481 86436
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