Effects of acceleration overload on combustion characteristics of HTPB/AP/Al propellant
g ~+50g )对燃烧室压强、平均燃速、瞬态燃速、凝相产物和发动机羽流的影响。研究表明:①反向过载对燃烧室压强和推进剂燃速几乎没有影响。随着正向过载的增大,燃烧室压强和推进剂燃速增大。②与无过载相比,燃烧室压强在+10g 过载下增加35.8%,+30g 过载下最大压强增加69.9%,+50g 过载下最大压强增加76.8%,且在+30g 过载和+50g 过载下出现了“驼峰现象”。③与0g 相比,+10g 过载下燃速增加21%,+30g 过载下燃速增加40%,+50g 过载下燃速增加44%;+30g 和+50g 过载下,瞬态燃速先增加后减少,最大值随过载增大而增大,达到最大值的时间随过载的增大而减少。④药杯内的碳和单质铝含量随过载的增大而减小,从−50g 过载到+50g 过载,分别减小100%和82.28%,氧化铝随过载的增大而增大,增加了402.17%,收集装置内几乎不含碳和铝单质。且收集装置内凝相产物的粒径随正向过载的增大而减小。⑤过载对发动机羽流颜色有显著影响;反向过载下,发动机羽流火焰呈现黄色,且伴随明亮的火星;正向过载下呈现紫色。Abstract:In order to study the effect of acceleration field on the combustion characteristics of HTPB/AP/Al propellant, an overload test rocket with both burning rate measurement and condensate product collection functions was designed. The effects of different overload magnitudes (−50
g to +50g ) on combustion chamber pressure, mean combustion velocity, transient combustion velocity, condensed phase products and rocket plume were investigated by using the overload test method. The research showed that: (1) the reverse overload had little effect on the pressure of the combustion chamber and the burning rate of the propellant. With the increase of forward overload, the combustion chamber pressure and propellant burning rate increased. (2) Compared with that without overload, the combustion chamber pressure increased by 35.8% under +10g overload, 69.9% under +30g overload, and 76.8% under +50g overload, and there was a “hump phenomenon” under +30g overload and +50g overload. (3) Compared with 0g , the burning rate increased by 21% under +10g overload, 40% under +30g overload, and 44% under +50g overload. At +30g and +50g overload, the transient combustion velocity increased and then decreased, the maximum value increased with the increasing overload, the time to reach the maximum value decreased with the increasing overload. (4) The content of carbon and elemental aluminum in the medicine cup decreased by 100% and 82.28%, respectively, with the increase of positive overload, and the alumina increased by 402.17% with the increase of positive overload. There was almost no carbon and aluminum in the collection device. And the particle size of the condensed-phase product in the collection device decreased with the increase of positive overload. (5) Acceleration field had a significant effect on the color of rocket plume; under reverse overload, the engine plume flame appeared yellow accompanied by bright sparks; under forward overload, it appeared purple. -
表 1 推进剂及燃烧产物参数表
Table 1. Parameters of propellant and combustion products
参数 数值 ρs/(kg/m3) 1791 $ {a_{\text{r}}}/10^{-3}{ ({\mathrm{m}}} \cdot {{{\mathrm{s}}}^{{ - 1}}}{/{\mathrm{MP}}}{{{\mathrm{a}}}^n}{) } $ 3.58 $n$ 0.32 ${c_{\text{s}}}/{ ({\mathrm{J}}}/ ({{\mathrm{k}}}{{{\mathrm{g}}}} \cdot {{{\mathrm{K}}}}) ) $ 1408 $\mu /10^{-4} ({\mathrm{kg}}/ ({{{\mathrm{m}}}} \cdot {{\mathrm{s}}) ) }$ 1.03 γs 1.13 $ T_{\mathrm{f}}/\mathrm{K} $ 2987 $ T_{\mathrm{s}}/\mathrm{K} $ 912.5 $ T_{\mathrm{i}}/\mathrm{K} $ 293 表 2 过载实验工况
Table 2. Overload test condition
序号 过载 方向 实际过载 N1 −50g 反向 −49.47g N2 −30g 反向 −29.78g N3 −10g 反向 −9.93g N4 0g 静止 0g N5 +10g 正向 9.97g N6 +30g 正向 29.76g N7 +50g 正向 49.84g 表 3 不同过载下燃速及燃速比γa
Table 3. Burning rate and burning rate ratio γa under different overloads
序号 a/g p/MPa r0/(mm/s) ra/(mm/s) γa 1 −50 8.79 7.17 7.04 0.98 2 −30 8.87 7.20 7.14 0.99 3 −10 9.00 7.23 7.19 0.99 4 0 7.89 6.93 6.95 1.00 5 +10 11.06 7.72 9.33 1.21 6 +30 11.62 7.85 11.01 1.40 7 +50 11.82 7.89 11.38 1.44 -
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