Research on the vortex breakdown and pressure loss characteristics in the cavity with anti-swirling waist circular drum hole
k -ε 模型分别探究了腔体内的旋涡演化规律和压损特性,揭示了反旋腰圆形鼓筒孔的旋涡破碎机制与减阻机理。结果表明:反旋腰圆形鼓筒孔可降低腔体内压损。高速旋涡在腰圆形鼓筒孔腔体的低径位区域内快速强化,旋涡尺度呈快速增大趋势,致使压损系数随径向高度降低而快速升高。与腰圆形鼓筒孔相比,反旋腰圆形鼓筒孔可有效抑制旋涡尺度增大,相对可降低腔体内15.6%的压损。反旋腰圆形鼓筒孔结构简单且引气过程呈线性状态,具有较高工程应用价值。Abstract:To reduce the pressure loss in a compressor disk cavity, an anti-swirling waist circular drum hole structure was designed. Large Eddy simulation (LES) and the RNG
k -ε model were used to investigate the vortex evolution and pressure loss characteristics in the cavity, respectively, revealing the vortex breakdown mechanism and drag reduction mechanism of the anti-swirling waist circular drum hole. The results showed that the anti-swirling waist circular drum hole can reduce the pressure loss in the cavity. The high-speed vortex was intensified rapidly in the low region of the cavity with waist circular drum, and the vortex scale increased rapidly, resulting in the rapid increase of pressure loss coefficient with the radial height decrease. Compared with the waist circular drum hole, the anti-swirling waist circular drum hole can effectively restrain the vortex scale increase and reduce the pressure loss in the cavity by 15.6%. With simple structure and linear airflow characteristic, the anti-swirling waist circular drum hole has high engineering application value.-
Key words:
- co-rotating cavity /
- drum hole /
- coherent vortex /
- vortex scale /
- pressure loss
表 1 无量纲尺寸参数
Table 1. Dimensionless dimension parameters
参数 数值 a/c 0.329 b/c 0.933 S/c 0.243 d1/c 0.029 d2/c 0.019 r/c 0.014 表 2 质量流量的影响
Table 2. Influence of mass flow rate
参数 数值 质量流量/(kg/s) 0.225,0.375,0.525,0.675,0.825,
0.975,1.125,1.275,1.425转速/(r/min) 16000 -
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