Quantitative calculation method of the casing flange leakage based on equivalent clearance
Abstract:A quantitative calculation method of gas leakage in casing flange considering the rough surface morphology and various distributed loads was proposed by using the parallel plate flow theory, which combined the flow factor method and the relationship between contact pressure and contact gap on the rough surface. The influence of internal gas pressure and axial force on gas leakage in casing flange was studied by finite element method. The results showed that with the increase of internal gas pressure, the leakage increased, and with the increase of axial force, the leakage decreased slightly. Finally, the calculated results were compared with the experimental results of leakage, and the maximum errors of leakage under the action of internal gas pressure and axial force were 3.5% and 3.6%, respectively, which proved the effectiveness of the proposed calculation method.
Key words:
- casing flange /
- roughness /
- flow factor /
- equivalent clearance /
- leakage experiment
表 1 机匣安装边有限元模型几何参数
Table 1. Geometric parameters of finite element model of casing flange
mm 参数 数值 机匣长度 100 螺栓处机匣直径 640 机匣内径 740 机匣外径 720 安装边高度 4 -
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