Outlet temperature field measurement for small annular combustor by gas analysis
为探索燃气分析法测量小尺寸全环燃烧室出口温度场的应用,介绍了适应小尺寸全环燃烧室出口通道高度的多点非混合式水冷燃气取样探针设计,燃烧室出口分别布置2 支5 点非混合式水冷燃气取样探针和双铂铑热电偶,随位移机构旋转180°,实现正、反双向数据采集,测量二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)和未燃碳氢化合物(UHC)3种组分的体积分数进而计算燃气温度。试验结果表明:燃气分析法与热电偶法测量的燃烧室出口温度分布基本一致,两者测量的相对偏差在2%以内;同时表明燃气分析法在测量航空发动机燃烧室温度场具有测温上限高、测量准确的优点。
Abstract:In order to explore the applications of outlet temperature field measurement for a small annular combustor by gas analysis, the design of multipoint non-mixed water -cooled gas sampling probe was introduced for adaptation of a small annular combustor, two five-point non-mixed water -cooled gas sampling probes and double platinum rhodium thermocouple were fixed respectively on a displacement mechanism at the combustor outlet; swinging 180° with displacement mechanism, bidirectional data measurements were achieved; the gas temperature was calculated by measuring carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC). Test results showed that the combustor outlet temperature fields measured by gas analysis method and thermocouple method were consistent basically, the relative deviation of them was within 2%; at the same time, gas analysis method was proven to be dominant in measuring high gas temperature from aeroengine combustor with high upper limit of temperature measurement and high precision.
表 1 气体分析仪测量范围及精度
Table 1. Measurement range and accuracy of gas analyzer
测量原理 测量参数 测量范围 精度/% 非分光红外分析法 CO/10−6 0~2500 ±1.0 CO2/10−2 0~10 ±1.0 火焰离子检测法 UHC/10−6 0~10 ±5.0 10~100 ±2.0 100~5000 ±1.0 表 2 试验状态参数
Table 2. Test state parameters
f1 370 490 1.00 0.020 2 1500 710 3.65 0.024 表 3 油气比对比
Table 3. Comparisons of fuel-air ratio
油气比相对偏差/% 1 0.0200 0.0209 4.50 2 0.0240 0.0248 3.33 表 4 测温结果对比
Table 4. Comparisons of temperature measurement results
试验状态 Tt4avg Tt4avr 相对偏差/% 1 0.589 0.579 1.73 2 0.788 0.779 1.16 注:Tt4avg为燃气分析法测量的燃烧室出口平均温度;Tt4avr为双 铂铑热电偶测量的燃烧室出口平均温度。 -
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