Influence of cruise altitude on water contaminant formation in aircraft fuel tank
为研究巡航高度对燃油箱内水污染物生成的系统性影响,基于传热传质方程建立水污染物生成模型,对不同巡航高度下燃油箱内的溶解水、析出水、冷凝水、游离水等水污染物生成特性进行计算。结果表明:飞行过程中产生的析出水主要在爬升阶段,且巡航高度越高产生的析出水越多,11 km巡航高度产生的析出水较7 km时多出5.5%;冷凝水主要产生在巡航阶段,冷凝水总量随着巡航高度的增加而减少,11 km巡航高度产生的冷凝水较7 km时减少了34.4%;飞行过程中产生的游离水总量随着巡航高度的增加而增加,但增加幅度逐渐减缓,9 km巡航高度产生的游离水较7 km增加了1.88%,11 km巡航高度产生的游离水较9 km增加了0.92%。
Abstract:In order to study the systematic influence of cruise altitude on the generation of water contaminant in the fuel tank, a water contaminant generation model was established based on the heat and mass transfer equation, and the generation characteristics of dissolved water, suspended water, condensed water and free water in the fuel tank at different cruise altitudes were calculated. The results showed that: a majority of suspended water generated during the climbing phase, and the higher cruise altitude indicated the more suspended water, the amount of suspended water produced at 11 km of cruise altitude was 5.5% greater than at 7 km of cruise altitude; a majority of condensed water was produced during the cruise phase, and the total amount of condensed water decreased as cruise altitude rose, at 11 km of cruise altitude, the amount of condensed water produced was 34.4% less than at 7 km of cruise altitude; the total amount of free water generated increased as cruise altitude rose, but the rate gradually slowed down, at 9 km of cruise altitude, free water generation was 1.88% higher than at 7 km, and at 11 km of cruise altitude, it was 0.92% higher than at 9 km.
Key words:
- water contaminant /
- cruising altitude /
- aircraft fuel tank /
- heat mass transfer /
- fuel temperature
表 1 巡航高度参数
Table 1. Flight altitude parameters
km时间/min 爬升阶段 巡航阶段 下降阶段 7 0~18.4 18.4~155.6 155.6~174 9 0~23.6 23.6~150.4 150.4~174 11 0~29.5 29.5~145.1 145.1~174 13 0~34.1 34.1~139.8 139.8~174 15 0~39.4 39.4~134.6 134.6~174 -
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