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韦宏 祖迎庆

韦宏, 祖迎庆. 冲击+扰流柱双层壁冷却结构的强化换热性能及流阻特性[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(8):20220489 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220489
引用本文: 韦宏, 祖迎庆. 冲击+扰流柱双层壁冷却结构的强化换热性能及流阻特性[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(8):20220489 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220489
WEI Hong, ZU Yingqing. Enhanced heat transfer performance and flow resistance characteristics of the double-wall cooling structures with jet impingement and pin fins[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(8):20220489 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220489
Citation: WEI Hong, ZU Yingqing. Enhanced heat transfer performance and flow resistance characteristics of the double-wall cooling structures with jet impingement and pin fins[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(8):20220489 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220489


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220489
基金项目: 上海市自然科学基金(19ZR1402500); 上海市商用航空发动机领域联合创新计划(AR908,AR960)



    祖迎庆(1978-),男,副研究员、博士生导师,博士,主要从事航空发动机气动热力学方面的研究。E-mail: yzu@fudan.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: V231.1

Enhanced heat transfer performance and flow resistance characteristics of the double-wall cooling structures with jet impingement and pin fins

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  冲击+扰流柱双层壁冷却结构的实验系统示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of experimental system of double-wall cooling structure with jet impingement holes and pin fins

    图 2  冲击+扰流柱双层壁冷却结构强化换热的实验件

    Figure 2.  Test piece of strengthen heat transfer of double-wall cooling structure with jet impingement holes and pin fins

    图 3  冲击+扰流柱双层壁冷却结构的冲击靶板实物图

    Figure 3.  Physical drawing of the jet impingement target plate of the double-wall cooling structure with jet impingement holes and pin fins

    图 4  T型热电偶和扰流柱的相对布置位置(单位:mm)

    Figure 4.  Relative positions of the T-type thermocouples and pin fins(unit: mm)

    图 5  T型热电偶实时采集的温度数据曲线(X/D=3、Y/D=3、Dp/D=1、Re=17500

    Figure 5.  Real-time temperature data curves collected by T-type thermocouples (X/D=3, Y/D=3, Dp/D=1, Re=17500

    图 6  面平均努塞尔数$ \overline{\overline{Nu}} $随着射流雷诺数Re的变化情况

    Figure 6.  Variation of area-averaged Nusselt number $ \overline{\overline{Nu}} $ with the jet Reynolds number Re

    图 7  双层壁冷却结构的计算域和边界条件的设置

    Figure 7.  Computational domain and boundary conditions setting of the double-wall cooling structure

    图 8  双层壁冷却结构的计算域及其网格划分

    Figure 8.  Computational domain and grid generation of the double-wall cooling structure

    图 9  强化换热结构的网格无关性分析

    Figure 9.  Grid independence analysis of the enhanced heat transfer structure

    图 10  面平均努塞尔数$ \overline{\overline{Nu}} $的数值结果与实验结果的对比

    Figure 10.  Comparisons between numerical results and experimental results of the areal averaged Nusselt number $ \overline{\overline{Nu}} $

    图 11  冲击靶板内侧壁面和扰流柱表面的努塞尔数Nu 的分布云图(X/D=3, Y/D=4)

    Figure 11.  Distributions of Nusselt number Nu on the internal wall surface of jet impingement target plate and pin fins(X/D=3, Y/D=4)

    图 12  扰流柱表面与冲击靶板内侧壁面的$\overline{ \overline{Nu} }$ 的对比

    Figure 12.  Comparison of $\overline{ \overline{Nu} }$ between the wall surface of pin fins and the internal wall surface of jet impingement target plate

    图 13  各个实验工况下冲击孔板的流量系数分布

    Figure 13.  Distribution of discharge coefficient of the jet impingement plate under various experimental conditions

    表  1  各个独立变量的相对误差

    Table  1.   Relative error of each independent variable

    参数Xi $ \left(\dfrac{\partial Nu}{\partial {X}_{i}}\cdot \dfrac{{\text{δ}} {X}_{i}}{Nu}\right)\Bigg/$%
    热通量(q ±0.70
    冲击孔直径(D ±2.0
    冷气射流温度(tc ±0.75
    靶板壁面温度(tw ±2.50
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    表  2  实验件的几何参数

    Table  2.   Geometrical parameters of the test pieces

    5 1 3 4 1
    4 4 1
    5 4 1
    3 3 1
    3 5 1
    3 4 2
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