Enhanced heat transfer performance and flow resistance characteristics of the double-wall cooling structures with jet impingement and pin fins
Abstract:For the double-wall cooling structure with jet impingement holes and pin fins, in order to study the influences of non-dimansional row spacing and dimensionless hole pitch of the jet impingement holes, the dimensionless diameter of pin fins and the jet impingement Reynolds number on the enhanced heat transfer performance and flow resistance characteristics, experimental studies were conducted based on various geometrical and flow parameters in present study. In addition, the corresponding numerical simulations were also carried out according to the experimental conditions. The results showed that on the whole internal wall surface of the jet impingement target plate with pin fins, the area-averaged Nusselt number monotonically increased with the increase of the jet impingement Reynolds number, and basically presented a linearly increasing tendency. In general, the area-averaged Nusselt number of the wall surface of pin fins was slightly higher than that on the internal wall surface of the jet impingement target plate. With the increase of dimensionless diameter of pin fins, the area-averaged Nusselt number of the entire internal wall surface of the double-wall cooling structure decreased firstly and then increased. In addition, the area-averaged Nusselt number of the entire internal wall surface decreased with the increase of non-dimensionla row spacing. However, the area-averaged Nusselt number of the entire internal wall surface was not sensitive to the variation of non-dimensional hole pitch. The discharge coefficient of the double-wall cooling structure with jet impingement holes and pin fins increased with the increase of the jet impingement Reynolds number, the dimensionless row spacing and non-dimansional hole pitch of jet impingement holes, but decreased with the increase of dimensionless diameter of pin fins.
表 1 各个独立变量的相对误差
Table 1. Relative error of each independent variable
参数Xi $ \left(\dfrac{\partial Nu}{\partial {X}_{i}}\cdot \dfrac{{\text{δ}} {X}_{i}}{Nu}\right)\Bigg/$% 热通量(q) ±0.70 冲击孔直径(D) ±2.0 冷气射流温度(tc) ±0.75 靶板壁面温度(tw) ±2.50 表 2 实验件的几何参数
Table 2. Geometrical parameters of the test pieces
方式及排布示意图5 1 3 4 1 4 4 1 5 4 1 3 3 1 3 5 1 3 4 2 -
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