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唐祚旻 姜春英 鲁墨武 裴秀果 殷思羽

唐祚旻, 姜春英, 鲁墨武, 等. 某型机翼燃油箱晃动分析及防晃结构优化[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(8):20220506 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220506
引用本文: 唐祚旻, 姜春英, 鲁墨武, 等. 某型机翼燃油箱晃动分析及防晃结构优化[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(8):20220506 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220506
TANG Zuomin, JIANG Chunying, LU Mowu, et al. Sloshing analysis and anti-sloshing structure optimization of a wing fuel tank[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(8):20220506 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220506
Citation: TANG Zuomin, JIANG Chunying, LU Mowu, et al. Sloshing analysis and anti-sloshing structure optimization of a wing fuel tank[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(8):20220506 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220506


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220506
基金项目: 辽宁省自然科学基金(2019_KF_01_11)




  • 中图分类号: V222

Sloshing analysis and anti-sloshing structure optimization of a wing fuel tank

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  机翼油箱简化模型及网格

    Figure 1.  Simplified model and grid of wing fuel tank

    图 2  机翼转动中心(单位: m)

    Figure 2.  Wing center of rotation (unit: m)

    图 3  液面行进状态对比

    Figure 3.  Comparison of liquid level traveling state

    图 4  壁面压力对比

    Figure 4.  Wall pressure contrast

    图 5  滚转工况下燃油速度云图

    Figure 5.  Fuel speed nephogram under rolling condition

    图 6  滚转工况下燃油与油箱质心相对位移

    Figure 6.  Relative displacement of fuel and fuel tank centroid under rolling condition

    图 7  俯仰工况下燃油速度云图

    Figure 7.  Fuel speed nephogram under pitching condition

    图 8  俯仰工况下燃油与油箱质心相对位移

    Figure 8.  Relative displacement of fuel and fuel tank centroid under pitching condition

    图 9  耦合工况下燃油速度云图

    Figure 9.  Fuel speed nephogram under coupling conditions

    图 10  耦合工况下燃油与油箱质心相对位移

    Figure 10.  Relative displacement of fuel and fuel tank centroid under coupling condition

    图 11  设计变量示意图(单位: mm)

    Figure 11.  Schematic of design variables (unit: mm)

    图 12  因素水平趋势

    Figure 12.  Factor level trend

    图 13  优化前后燃油质心相对位移幅值

    Figure 13.  Relative displacement amplitude of fuel centroid before and after optimization

    表  1  实验因素及水平

    Table  1.   Experimental factors and level

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    表  2  正交实验设计及仿真计算结果

    Table  2.   Orthogonal experimental design and simulation calculation results

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    表  3  正交实验极差分析表

    Table  3.   Range analysis of orthogonal experimental

    参数 因素A 因素B 因素C 误差列
    K1 1.5000 1.5175 1.2738 1.2738
    K2 1.4198 1.3613 1.1463 1.3352
    K3 1.4286 1.4696 1.9283 1.7394
    $\bar K_1 $ 0.5000 0.5058 0.4246 0.4246
    $\bar K_2 $ 0.4732 0.4538 0.3821 0.4451
    $\bar K_3 $ 0.4762 0.4899 0.6428 0.5798
    R 0.0267 0.0521 0.2607 0.1552
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    表  4  正交实验方差分析表

    Table  4.   Variance analysis of orthogonal experiments

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