Effect of suction position on inlet performance of solid rocket ramjet
Abstract:For a solid rocket ramjet with design Mach number of 3, two-dimensional numerical simulation was used to study the effects of suction holes at different locations on the unstart Mach number, anti-back pressure capability and total pressure recovery coefficient of an inlet with adjustable primary gas flow, i.e. a large range of back pressure changes. By setting suction holes in the inner compression section, the unstart Mach number of the inlet was reduced from 2.7 to 2.4, and the anti-back pressure capability was increased by 12.28%; The unstart Mach number of the inlet decreased from 2.7 to 2.6 due to the suction of the outer compression section, and the anti-back pressure capability was not improved; however, the anti-back pressure capability of throat suction inlet was increased by 11.24%, and the unstart Mach number did not change. The internal compression section and throat section suction can improve the total pressure recovery under certain working conditions, especially the total pressure recovery coefficient under over rated working conditions. Finally, a scheme to improve the performance of the inlet under Mach number of 3—5 was proposed, and the total pressure recovery under Mach number of 4—5 was increased by about 5% on average.
表 1 进气道参数
Table 1. Inlet parameters
参数 数值 进气道内部宽度/mm 100 喉道段高度h/mm 50 进气道总长度L/mm 1600 来流入射角α/(°) 0 二级压缩面角度δ2/(°) 21.5 唇口角度δ3/(°) 9.5 喉道段扩张角δ4/(°) 5 设计马赫数Mad 3 表 2 4种构型进气道性能对比
Table 2. Comparison of inlet performance of four configurations
构型 不起动马赫数 极限反压比 总压恢复系数 出口流量/(kg/s) Ma∞=3 Ma∞=4 Ma∞=3 Ma∞=4 1 2.7 19.22 0.577 0.335 0.89 1.20 2 2.4 21.58 0.574 0.345 0.83 1.13 3 2.6 18.63 0.556 0.337 0.83 1.13 4 2.7 21.38 0.555 0.33 0.82 1.17 表 3 不同构型的性能参数
Table 3. Performance parameters of different configurations
构型 Ma∞=4 Ma∞=4.5 Ma∞=5 总压恢复系数 流量系数 总压恢复系数 流量系数 总压恢复系数 流量系数 1 0.1724 1.0003 0.1946 0.9976 0.1746 0.9941 2 0.1705 0.9313 0.1603 0.9431 0.1599 0.9415 4 0.1481 0.9735 0.1995 0.9864 0.1742 0.9911 -
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