Simulation analysis of staged startup of large thrust LOX/kerosene staged combustion rocket engine
Abstract:The staged startup is an important measure to improve the startup quality and launch reliability of large thrust liquid-oxygen (LOX)/kerosene staged combustion rocket engines. The staged startup characteristics of the engine were studied by system dynamics simulation. The modular universal model library of transient simulation of liquid propulsion system (Tulips) was developed by using the Modelica language. Based on the model library, the system dynamics simulation models of the engine were built and validated layer-by-layer from bottom to top. The simulation results showed that, the startup quality was preferable when the prestage was set at the level where the thrust was higher than 40% of the rated value. The delay of entering the prestage was longer if the level of the prestage was lower. When the level of the prestage was low, the startup quality can be improved by advancing the moment of igniting the thrust chamber and the moment of transferring the resistance condition of the fuel throttle valve. If the turbopump rotational inertia was larger, the system became more stable when entering the prestage.
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