Experimental study on injection characteristics of near/supercritical RP-3 aviation kerosene
Abstract:In order to meet the requirements of supercritical fuel injection for Advanced Aero Engines in the future, the schlieren system was used to conduct experimental research on the injection of near/supercritical RP-3 aviation kerosene into the still atmosphere, and the process was analyzed by combining with the 10-component substitute of RP-3 aviation kerosene. The results revealed that near/supercritical fuel injection could produce shock wave structure and phase transition near the nozzle exit. However, there were differences between near critical and supercritical jets in the overall jet structure or the jet structure near the nozzle. Compared with the near critical injection, the supercritical injection was larger in the gas-phase region/liquid-phase region in the Mach disk, and had a longer reliquefication distance; at the same time, with the increase of injection temperature, Mach-disk diameter, longitudinal distance and jet expansion angle all decreased. But with the increase of injection pressure, Mach-disk diameter, longitudinal distance and jet expansion angle increased.
表 1 RP-3的10组分替代物
Table 1. 10 component substitute of RP-3
分类 成分 摩尔分数/% 烷烃 正辛烷 6 正癸烷 10 正十二烷 20 正十三烷 8 正十四烷 10 正十六烷 10 环烷烃 甲基环己烷 20 1,3-反式二甲基环戊烷 8 苯 丙苯 5 萘 1-甲基萘 3 表 2 燃油喷注特性试验中的折合压力和折合温度范围
Table 2. Reduced pressure and temperature range in fuel injection characteristic test
参数 取值范围 燃油流量/(g/s) 3~9 pj/pc 1.172~1.548 pj/pa 28~37 Tj/Tc 0.963~1.084 Tj/Ta 2.12~2.39 -
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