Influence of elastic ring structural parameters on ERSFD dynamic system characteristics
Abstract:In order to study oil film force characteristics of the elastic ring squeeze film damper (ERSFD) and analyze the characteristic parameters of the dynamic system of ERSFD, based on the radial deformation of the elastic ring, the differential calculation model of the inner and outer oil film pressure of the ERSFD was established. The differential calculation model was solved by using the finite difference method. The influence of the height, number, width of the elastic ring boss, and the inner and outer connecting holes of the elastic ring on the oil film force characteristics of ERSFD was studied through numerical simulation. The results showed that compared with the traditional squeeze film damper, the radial deformation of the elastic ring changed the internal and external oil film clearances, helping to restrain the nonlinear change of the oil film stiffness with the height of eccentricity. The elastic ring boss in ERSFD regulated the distribution pattern of the internal and external oil film pressure of the damper. The existence of the boss reduced the squeeze oil film area, reducing the stiffness and damping of the internal and external oil films of ERSFD. The oil holes connected inside and outside the elastic ring reduced the stiffness of the inner oil film and increased the stiffness of the outer oil film.
表 1 ERSFD参数表
Table 1. Parameter table of ERSFD
参数 数值 凸台数$ N $ 12 凸台宽度$ B/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 5.6 轴向长度$ L/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 16 弹性环厚度$ W/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 0.6 内层油膜间隙$ {C}_{1}/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 0.2 外层油膜间隙$ {C}_{2}/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 0.2 弹性环内半径$ {R}_{1}/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 37.8 弹性环外半径$ {R}_{2}/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 38.8 内外连接孔直径$ D/\mathrm{m}\mathrm{m} $ 1.0 滑油动力黏度$ \mu / (\mathrm{P}\mathrm{a}\cdot \mathrm{s}) $ 0.0195 -
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