Early fault alarm method of rolling bearing based on wavelet analysis and convolution neural network
Abstract:In view of the problems in condition monitoring of aero-engine main bearing, such as the difficulty in obtaining the real fault samples, the limitation in defining the general alarm threshold under variable conditions and the difficulty to identify the early weak faults, a general alarm method for early faults of rolling bearings was proposed. This method only trained convolutional neural networks based on normal samples, constructed evolution state indicator by the characteristic distance between degraded data and normal data, and unified the alarm thresholds of different working conditions based on training labels; at the same time, the sensitivity of wavelet band envelope signal to early high-frequency fault was used to realize early warning; then, the evolution stages were divided based on the Pauta criterion, according to which the degradation and failure thresholds were determined; finally, the remaining useful life was predicted step by step based on particle filter. Three groups of test results showed that the degradation threshold and failure threshold of wavelet analysis and convolution neural network (Wavelet-CNN) based on different fault test data can be normalized around 0.6 and 1.0, and the predictions of degradation start time were 13.01%, 12.33% and 13.70% earlier than those of non wavelet methods respectively.
Key words:
- rolling bearing /
- general diagnosis /
- early warning /
- deep learning /
- wavelet analysis
表 1 CNN参数
Table 1. Parameters of CNN
项目 输入层 池化层 卷积层 池化层 卷积层 池化层 卷积层 全连接层 回归层 参数 64×32×1 2×2 3×3, 16 2×2 3×3, 32 2×2 3×3, 32 1 1 输出 64×32×1 32×16×1 32×16×16 16×8×16 16×8×32 8×4×32 8×4×32 1×1×1 1 表 2 3组滚动轴承全寿命试验数据集相关参数
Table 2. Related parameters of three groups of rolling bearing whole lifetime test datasets
数据集 轴承型号 转速/
(r/min)载荷/kN 采样率/
时长/h故障类型 IMS ZA 2115 2000 26.67 20 10 20480 163 外圈剥落 IDES HRB 6206 11500 6.25 32 6 65536 30 内圈剥落 XJTU-SY UER 204 2250 11 25.6 1 32768 8.9 保持架裂断 表 3 轴承主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of bearings
轴承型号 滚珠直径/mm 节径/mm 滚珠数 接触角/(°) ZA 2115 8.4 71.5 16 15.17 HRB 6206 9.5 46 9 0 UER 204 7.9 34.6 8 0 表 4 基于拉依达准则的滚动轴承退化与失效时刻和阈值确定
Table 4. Determination of degradation and failure time and threshold of rolling bearings based on Pauta criterion
方法 ZA 2115全寿命
(984时刻)HRB 6206全寿命
(300时刻)UER 204全寿命
(533时刻)退化开始 失效开始 退化开始 失效开始 退化开始 失效开始 有效值 阈值 0.1061 0.1643 2.5012 4.1450 1.5452 2.9672 时刻 649 703 251 274 341 372 CNN特征值 阈值 0.7599 1.2234 0.6762 1.0962 0.7714 1.1806 时刻 675 703 249 279 194 315 Wavelet-CNN
特征值(d1)阈值 0.5981 1.0272 0.6420 1.0877 0.6700 0.9946 时刻 547 702 212 275 121 135 表 5 3组滚动轴承数据基于粒子滤波RUL预测结果误差对比
Table 5. Error comparison of RUL prediction results of three groups of rolling bearing data based on particle filter
数据集 特征类型 拟合曲线的
归一化RMSEZA 2115
(984点)有效值 0.0252 0.2468 CNN特征值 0.0177 0.1483 Wavelet-CNN
特征值0.0143 0.1314 HRB 6206
(300点)有效值 0.1088 0.2668 CNN特征值 0.0280 0.1085 Wavelet-CNN
特征值0.0629 0.1321 UER 204
(533点)有效值 0.2135 0.4118 CNN特征值 0.1466 0.1620 Wavelet-CNN
特征值0.0863 0.1335 -
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