Calculation method of deposition electrostatic charging current for aircraft
K 。在Comsol软件中利用Spalart-Allmaras(S-A)湍流模型与粒子曳力模型改进了标准中的计算公式,以某型飞机为例进行了流场及粒子追踪仿真。结果发现粒子直径越大,有效投影面积越大;飞行速度高,粒子碰撞数量越多;随着巡航高度的增加充电电流密度增加。最终得出飞机的充电电流密度最大为395 μA/m2,与实际观测值接近误差在1.25%以内。Abstract:The effective area coefficient
K was calculated using the concept of effective projected area. In Comsol software, the Spalart-Allmaras (S-A) turbulence model and particle drag model were used to improve the calculation formula in the standard, and a certain type of aircraft was used as an example to simulate the flow field and particle tracking. It was found that the larger particle diameter indicated the larger effective projected area; the higher flight speed indicated the more number of particle collisions; the charging current density increased with the rise of the cruising altitude. Finally, it was concluded that the maximum charging current density of the aircraft was 395 μA/m2, which was very close to the actual observation value and the error was within 1.25%. -
表 1 不同粒子直径的充电电流密度计算
Table 1. Calculation of charging current density with different particle diameters
参数 数值 粒子直径/μm 50 100 200 400 平均碰撞速度/(m/s) 184 189 206 226 单粒子起电量/pC 0.5 2.2 9.8 43.3 粒子碰撞个数 5136 8013 10867 13393 有效迎风面积/m2 10.2 16.0 21.7 26.7 充电
μA$n_{\mathrm{p}} $/104
(个/m3)2 30 197 1169 6322 5 77 494 2922 15807 充电
(μA/m2)$n_{\mathrm{p}} $/104
(个/m3)2 0.77 4 29 158 5 1.92 12 73 395 -
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