Research and application of steady flow intake control method in icing wind tunnel engine intake simulation system
针对结冰风洞发动机进气部件试验稳流量进气控制难题,结合提供进气条件的发动机进气模拟系统的工作原理,提出采用卡尔曼滤波无模型自适应控制方法,通过建立系统动态线性化数据模型,利用卡尔曼滤波对实际动态流量输出做真值预估,估值与期望值的差值经过动态数据模型计算,得到调节系统抽气设备转速的输入量,进行稳流量进气控制,最后应用于某型号发动机进气部件防冰试验。试验结果表明:发动机进气模拟系统运行稳定可靠,输出的进气流量符合试验要求,进气稳流量控制精度达到0.1 kg/s。
- 稳流量进气控制 /
- 发动机进气模拟系统 /
- 卡尔曼滤波无模型自适应控制 /
- 进气部件防冰试验 /
- 进气流量
Abstract:In view of the problem of steady flow intake control of engine intake components in icing wind tunnel, and by combining the working principle of engine intake simulation system available with intake conditions, the Kalman filter model-free adaptive control method was adopted; by establishing the system dynamic linearization data model, and using the Kalman filter to make a true value estimate of the actual dynamic flow output, the difference between the estimate and the expected value was calculated through the dynamic data model, the input amount of the speed of the pumping equipment of the system was obtained, and the steady flow intake control was carried out. Finally, it was applied to the anti-icing test of the intake components of a certain type of engine. The test results showed that the engine intake simulation system performed stably and reliably, the output intake flow met the test requirements, and the control accuracy of the intake air steady flow reached 0.1 kg/s.
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