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盛嘉玖 陈果 康玉祥 贺志远 王浩 尉询楷 刘传宇

盛嘉玖, 陈果, 康玉祥, 等. 一种用于滚动轴承故障诊断的改进EWT方法[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220677 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220677
引用本文: 盛嘉玖, 陈果, 康玉祥, 等. 一种用于滚动轴承故障诊断的改进EWT方法[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220677 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220677
SHENG Jiajiu, CHEN Guo, KANG Yuxiang, et al. An improved EWT method for fault diagnosis of rolling bearings[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220677 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220677
Citation: SHENG Jiajiu, CHEN Guo, KANG Yuxiang, et al. An improved EWT method for fault diagnosis of rolling bearings[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220677 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220677


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220677
基金项目: 国家重大专项计划(J2019-Ⅳ-004-0071); 国家自然科学基金(52272436); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX20_0211)




  • 中图分类号: V263.6

An improved EWT method for fault diagnosis of rolling bearings

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  EWT边界分割示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of EWT boundary segmentation

    图 2  算法流程

    Figure 2.  Algorithm flow

    图 3  仿真信号时域波形及频谱

    Figure 3.  Time domain waveform and spectrum of simulated signal

    图 4  仿真信号能量谱

    Figure 4.  Simulation signal energy spectrum

    图 5  第5次使用希尔伯特变换结果

    Figure 5.  Fifth time using Hilbert transform result

    图 6  能量包络趋势线及其1阶差分归一化结果

    Figure 6.  Normalization results of energy envelope trend line and first-order difference

    图 7  仿真信号有效极值点与改进EWT频带分割结果

    Figure 7.  Effective extreme points and the frequency band division result by improved EWT of simulation signal

    图 8  IMF2、IMF3、IMF4平方包络谱

    Figure 8.  Squared envelope spectrum of IMF2, IMF3, IMF4

    图 9  模拟试验器及预设故障

    Figure 9.  Simulated experimenter and preset faults

    图 10  外圈故障信号时域波形及频谱

    Figure 10.  Time domain waveform and spectrum of outer race fault signal

    图 11  外圈故障信号有效极值点与改进EWT频带分割结果

    Figure 11.  Effective extreme points and the frequency band division result by improved EWT of outer race fault signal

    图 12  IMF8、IMF9、IMF10平方包络谱

    Figure 12.  Envelope spectrum of IMF8, IMF9, IMF10

    图 13  原始EWT频带划分结果和IMF10平方包络谱

    Figure 13.  Frequency band division results decomposed by original EWT and IMF10 squared envelope spectrum

    图 14  内圈故障信号时域波形及频谱

    Figure 14.  Time domain waveform and spectrum of inner race fault signal

    图 15  内圈故障信号有效极值点与改进EWT频带分割结果

    Figure 15.  Effective extreme points and the frequency band division result by improved EWT of inner race fault signal

    图 16  IMF3平方包络谱

    Figure 16.  Square envelope spectrum of IMF3

    图 17  原始EWT频带划分结果和IMF4平方包络谱

    Figure 17.  Frequency band division results decomposed by original EWT and IMF4 squared envelope spectrum

    图 18  外圈故障数据9原始和改进EWT解调结果对比

    Figure 18.  Comparison of original and improved EWT demodulation results of outer race fault data 9

    图 19  内圈故障数据4原始和改进EWT解调结果对比

    Figure 19.  Comparison of original and improved EWT demodulation results of inner race fault data 4

    表  1  反复希尔伯特变换Vs结果

    Table  1.   Vs results of repeated Hilbert transform

    变换次数 第1次 第2次 第3次 第4次 第5次
    Vs 1.123 1 1.092 4 1.061 7 1.013 4 0.946 6
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  仿真信号改进EWT分解得到各IMF的S0-1

    Table  2.   S0-1 of each IMF decomposed by improved EWT of simulation signal

    $ {S_{0 {\text{-}} 1}} $ 0.017 5 0.180 8 0.216 9 0.927 4 0.028 3
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  HRB 6206深沟球轴承参数

    Table  3.   Parameters of HRB 6206 deep groove ball bearings

    30 62 16 9.5 46 9 0
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    表  4  外圈故障信号改进EWT分解得到各IMF的S0-1

    Table  4.   S0-1 of each IMF decomposed by improved EWT of outer race fault signal

    S0-1 0.049 5 0.038 8 0.000 1 0.002 0 0.061 7
    S0-1 0.008 7 0.014 8 0.912 1 0.999 8 0.853 6
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    表  5  外圈故障信号原始EWT分解得到各IMF的S0-1

    Table  5.   S0-1 of each IMF decomposed by original EWT of outer race fault signal

    S0-1 0.003 6 0.088 7 0.013 0 0.015 7 0.000 1
    S0-1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.000 1 0.999 2
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    表  6  内圈故障信号改进EWT分解得到各IMF的S0-1

    Table  6.   S0-1 of each IMF decomposed by improved EWT of inner race fault signal

    $ {S_{0-1}} $ 0.000 6 0.000 7 0.648 5 0.002 7
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    表  7  内圈故障信号原始EWT分解得到各IMF的S0-1

    Table  7.   S0-1 of each IMF decomposed by original EWT of inner race fault signal

    $ {S_{0 {\text{-}} 1}} $ 0.001 2 0.004 8 0.000 1 0.064 5
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    表  8  不同转速下外圈故障信号S0-1及频带划分结果

    Table  8.   Outer race fault signal S0-1 and frequency band division result at different speeds

    数据 转速/(r/min) S0-1 频带/Hz
    原始EWT 改进EWT 原始EWT 改进EWT
    1 1500 0.119 5 1.000 0 700~892 8 866~16 000
    2 0.046 4 0.956 8 338~680 8 869~16 000
    3 0.006 7 0.763 8 1 058~16 000 8 881~16 000
    4 0.506 3 1.000 0 759~925 8 877~16 000
    5 0.476 2 1.000 0 982~16 000 8 897~16 000
    6 2500 1.000 0 1.000 0 442~977 435~975
    7 1.000 0 1.000 0 442~977 452~975
    8 1.000 0 1.000 0 442~977 427~918
    9 0.141 2 1.000 0 368~809 438~913
    10 0.990 4 1.000 0 442~883 434~970
    11 3500 0.845 1 0.998 3 981~16 000 14 252~16000
    12 0.989 8 0.999 7 981~15 192 8 796~15 192
    13 0.976 6 0.999 4 981~16 000 8 778~15 268
    14 0.978 2 0.999 5 1 829~16 000 10 002~14 399
    15 0.834 2 0.947 7 914~16 000 14 369~15 265
    S0-1平均值 0.660 7 0.977 7
    大于0.8占比/% 60.0 93.3
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    表  9  不同转速下内圈故障信号S0-1及频带划分结果

    Table  9.   Inner race fault signal S0-1 and frequency band division result at different speeds

    数据 转速/(r/min) S0-1 频带/Hz
    原始EWT 改进EWT 原始EWT 改进EWT
    11 5000.376 71.000 0353~773351~897
    21.000 01.000 0353~883345~875
    30.409 41.000 0705~1767345~874
    40.357 81.000 0353~773349~880
    50.410 41.000 0353~773351~897
    62 5000.186 00.659 21060~16 000941~2 371
    70.125 20.691 11211~16 0001 777~3 279
    80.275 00.646 31211~16 0001 175~2 372
    90.696 00.815 5881~16 000862~8 968
    100.040 40.547 31101~16 0001 174~2 550
    113 5000.166 50.633 587~4011 442~2 314
    120.021 10.570 5882~16 0001 102~1 741
    130.033 60.642 8784~16 000792~4 256
    140.029 70.735 6882~16 000807~1 520
    150.055 40.526 2784~16 000807~4 508
    S0-1平均值0.278 90.764 5
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