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徐德 许晓平 夏济宇 周洲

徐德, 许晓平, 夏济宇, 等. 分布式电推进系统气动-推进耦合特性[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220681 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220681
引用本文: 徐德, 许晓平, 夏济宇, 等. 分布式电推进系统气动-推进耦合特性[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220681 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220681
XU De, XU Xiaoping, XIA Jiyu, et al. Aerodynamic-propulsion coupling characteristics of distributed electric propulsion system[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220681 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220681
Citation: XU De, XU Xiaoping, XIA Jiyu, et al. Aerodynamic-propulsion coupling characteristics of distributed electric propulsion system[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220681 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220681


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220681
基金项目: 陕西省重点研发计划(2021ZDLGY09-08)




  • 中图分类号: V211

Aerodynamic-propulsion coupling characteristics of distributed electric propulsion system

  • 摘要:

    采用了基于k-ω SST(shear stress transpot)湍流模型求解雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程的动量源方法(MSM),针对带增升襟翼的分布式动力机翼二维简化模型,开展了垂直起飞-过渡-巡航飞行状态下的气动-推进耦合特性及物理机理研究。研究表明:涵道的抽吸效应使分布式动力机翼呈现增升减阻现象,并推迟了机翼流动分离。相比于自由来流条件,涵道喷流中的增升襟翼失速偏角从12°显著增大到34°,同时增升襟翼诱导喷流偏转,使分布式动力构型总升力得到有效提升。


  • 图 1  DPWWF/DPW构型模型

    Figure 1.  DPWWF/DPW configuration model

    图 2  NASA涵道螺旋桨模型

    Figure 2.  NASA ducted propeller model

    图 3  三维几何模型

    Figure 3.  Three-dimensional geometric model

    图 4  涵道入口前5 mm处速度分布云图

    Figure 4.  Contour of velocity distribution at 5 mm before the entrance of the duct

    图 5  涵道出口后5 mm处速度分布云图

    Figure 5.  Contour of velocity distribution at 5 mm after the duct exit

    图 6  网格划分

    Figure 6.  Structural meshing

    图 7  DPW构型气动力示意图

    Figure 7.  Schematic map of aerodynamics of DPW

    图 8  气动力随来流速度的变化

    Figure 8.  Variation of aerodynamic force with freestream velocity

    图 9  气动力随来流迎角的变化

    Figure 9.  Variation of aerodynamic force with angle of attack

    图 10  气动力随转子推力的变化

    Figure 10.  Variation of aerodynamic force with rotor thrust

    图 11  不同转子推力下的压力云图

    Figure 11.  Pressure contours under different rotor thrusts

    图 12  气动力随涵道倾转角的变化

    Figure 12.  Variation of aerodynamic force with duct tilt angle

    图 13  0 N转子推力下压力云图及流线分布

    Figure 13.  Pressure contour and streamline distribution under rotor thrust of 0 N

    图 14  10 N转子推力下压力云图及流线分布

    Figure 14.  Pressure contour and streamline distribution under rotor thrust of 10 N

    图 15  气动力随涵道倾转角的变化(v=0.34 m/s)

    Figure 15.  Variation of aerodynamic force with duct tilt angle (v=0.34 m/s)

    图 16  不同涵道倾转角下压力云图及流线分布

    Figure 16.  Pressure contour and streamline distribution under different duct tilt angles

    图 17  不同来流速度下气动力随增升襟翼偏角的变化

    Figure 17.  Variation of aerodynamic force with the deflection angle of lift flaps at different freestream velocities

    图 18  不同来流速度下增升襟翼的速度云图

    Figure 18.  Velocity contours of the lift flaps under different freestream velocities

    图 19  不同来流迎角下气动力随增升襟翼偏角的变化

    Figure 19.  Variation of aerodynamic force with the deflection angle of lift flaps at different angles of attack

    图 20  气动力随增升襟翼偏角的变化(v=0.34 m/s)

    Figure 20.  Variation of aerodynamic force with the deflection angle of lift flaps (v=0.34 m/s)

    图 21  气动力随增升襟翼偏角的变化(v=25 m/s)

    Figure 21.  Variation of aerodynamic force with the deflection angle of lift flaps under freestream (v=25 m/s)

    图 22  增升襟翼不同偏角下压力云图及流线分布(v=0.34 m/s)

    Figure 22.  Pressure contour and streamline distribution under different deflection angles of lift flaps (v=0.34 m/s)

    图 23  增升襟翼不同偏角下压力云图及流线分布(v=25 m/s)

    Figure 23.  Pressure contour and streamline distribution under different deflection angles of lift flaps at freestream velocity (v=25 m/s)

    图 24  不同构型气动力随增升襟翼偏角的变化

    Figure 24.  Variation of aerodynamic force with the deflection angle of lift flaps for different configurations

    图 25  不同襟翼偏角下的压力云图

    Figure 25.  Pressure contours under different deflectionangles of lift flaps

    表  1  计算与实验结果对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of calculation and experimental results

    数据来源 T/N Tlip/N Tp/N
    实验 161.721 78.012
    MRF 173.791 87.236 88.518
    MSM 83.861
    误差/% 7.46 4.02
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    表  2  不同网格量计算结果对比

    Table  2.   Comparison of calculation results with different grid quantities

    网格量/万 CD CL CM
    9 0.01450 0.5225 0.004341
    25 0.01544 0.5438 0.004662
    45 0.01545 0.5439 0.004626
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