Numerical research on the flow field characteristics of the outdoor test stand under crosswind conditions
Abstract:A three-dimensional flow field simulation on the outdoor test stand was performed with the CFD numerical simulation method by using crosswind from the crosswind device, then a simplified model was established, and appropriate boundary conditions were obtained. On this basis, joint simulations of the outdoor test stand and the engine under typical crosswind velocities and directions were carried out. From the results, the flow field characteristics of the crosswind device outlet and the engine inlet were analyzed. And the changes of the spatial uniformity of the flow field at the crosswind device outlet and the flow field at the air interface plane of the engine inlet under the influence of the crosswind velocity and direction were revealed. It can be concluded as follows: with the increase of the crosswind velocity, the quality of the flow field at the crosswind device outlet was improved and the flow field distortion at the engine inlet went worse. With the increase of the crosswind angle, the quality of the flow field at the crosswind device was improved and then went worse, and the average total pressure recovery coefficient and the maximum circumferential distortion index at the air interface plane of the engine inlet shared different variations. The maximum circumferential distortion index is more suitable to evaluate the flow field distortion at the engine inlet in this research.
表 1 仿真与试验结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of simulation and test
测点 仿真计
(m/s)试验测量/(m/s) 相对
%平均值 最大值 最小值 1 2.16 2.29 3.54 1.23 5.7 2 3.79 3.23 5.77 1.92 17.0 3 3.97 4.08 6.77 2.6 2.7 4 2.34 2.01 3.72 1.35 16.0 -
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