Fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on improved composite multi-scale sample entropy
Abstract:In view of the fact that the multi-scale sample entropy is greatly affected by the sample length, the coarse graining process is relatively rough, and the shortage of effective information may be easily ignored, based on the composite multi-scale sample entropy, the energy distribution between sampling points was used as the weight for coarse graining calculation, and an improved composite multi-scale sample entropy was proposed and applied to the fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox. The influences of different parameters and noise characteristics on the improved composite multi-scale sample entropy algorithm were studied through simulation signals. The stability of the improved algorithm was verified by comparing it with multi-scale sample entropy, generalized multi-scale sample entropy and composite multi-scale sample entropy. Combined with variational mode decomposition, principal component analysis and support vector machine, the fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox experimental signals was carried out. The comparison results showed that the method can effectively realize the common fault diagnosis of the sun gear of the planetary gearbox under different working conditions and structures, and the fault identification rate was more than 95%, with certain effectiveness.
表 1 20 Hz转频下太阳轮常见故障对应VMD参数
Table 1. VMD parameters corresponding to common faults of sun gear at 20 Hz rotating frequency
算法参数 正常 裂纹 缺齿 磨损 K 4 5 6 6 α 2250 2750 1750 1750 表 2 fim与原始信号的相关系数和欧氏距离
Table 2. Correlation coefficient and Euclidean distance between fim and original signal
分量 相关系数 欧氏距离 fim1 0.8153 0.4892 fim2 0.7703 0.6077 fim3 0.7033 0.6924 fim4 0.6567 0.7512 fim5 0.5614 0.8092 fim6 0.4756 0.8331 表 3 支持向量机多故障分类器对4种太阳轮故障识别结果(Qtrain1,Qtest1)
Table 3. Recognition results of support vector machine multi fault classifier for four kinds of sun gear faults (Qtrain1,Qtest1)
方法(c,g) SVM多故障分类器对测试样本识别结果/% 正常状态识别率 裂纹故障识别率 缺齿故障识别率 磨损故障识别率 平均故障识别率 MSE (48.50,0.57) 80 55 95 90 80 GMSE (16,1.5) 90 90 100 55 83.75 CMSE (27.8,7.5) 80 90 100 90 90 ICMSE (62.7,3.2) 80 100 100 100 95 表 4 基于ICMSE和SVM的识别结果
Table 4. Recognition results based on ICMSE and SVM
方法随机样本 (c,g) SVM多故障分类器对测试样本识别结果/% 正常状态识别率 裂纹故障识别率 缺齿故障识别率 磨损故障识别率 平均故障识别率 ICMSE Qtrain2,Qtest2 (67,4.7) 87 100 100 97 96 Qtrain3,Qtest3 (48,6.2) 83 100 100 100 95.75 -
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