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李伟 王付广 王东生

李伟, 王付广, 王东生. 基于改进复合多尺度样本熵的行星齿轮箱故障诊断[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220691 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220691
引用本文: 李伟, 王付广, 王东生. 基于改进复合多尺度样本熵的行星齿轮箱故障诊断[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220691 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220691
LI Wei, WANG Fuguang, WANG Dongsheng. Fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on improved composite multi-scale sample entropy[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220691 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220691
Citation: LI Wei, WANG Fuguang, WANG Dongsheng. Fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on improved composite multi-scale sample entropy[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220691 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220691


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220691
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51205198); 安徽省自然科学基金(2008085ME149); 安徽省高校科研基金(2023AH051665); 平台建设协同创新项目(GXXT-2022-090); 校级自然科研项目(2022tlxy49)


  • 中图分类号: V232.8;TH165+.3;TN911.7

Fault diagnosis of planetary gearbox based on improved composite multi-scale sample entropy

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  改进复合多尺度样本熵特征提取流程图

    Figure 1.  Flow chart of improved composite multi-scale sample entropy feature extraction

    图 2  改进粗粒化示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of improved coarse granulation

    图 3  不同噪声背景下,样本长度N对MSE、GMSE、CMSE和ICMSE分析结果影响

    Figure 3.  Effect of sample length N on MSE, GMSE, CMSE and ICMSE analysis results under different noise backgrounds

    图 4  粉噪声背景下,不同相似容限r对MSE、GMSE、CMSE和ICMSE分析结果影响

    Figure 4.  Influence of different similarity tolerance r on MSE, GMSE, CMSE and ICMSE analysis results under thepowder noise background

    图 5  白噪声背景下,不同相似容限r对MSE、GMSE、CMSE和ICMSE分析结果影响

    Figure 5.  Influence of different similarity tolerance r on MSE, GMSE, CMSE and ICMSE analysis results under white noise background

    图 6  基于ICMSE的故障诊断流程图

    Figure 6.  ICMSE based fault diagnosis flow chart

    图 7  实验台示意图

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of test bench

    图 8  太阳轮故障示意图

    Figure 8.  Fault diagram of sun gear

    图 9  缺齿故障惩罚因子、分解维数与皮尔逊相关系数变化趋势

    Figure 9.  Change trend of penalty factor, decomposition dimension and Pearson correlation coefficient in normal state

    图 10  20 Hz转频下太阳轮常见故障不同熵值分析

    Figure 10.  Analysis of different entropy values of common faults of sun gear at 20 Hz rotating frequency

    图 11  30 Hz转频下单级行星齿轮箱太阳轮常见故障ICMSE分析结果

    Figure 11.  ICMSE analysis results of faults of sun gear of single-stage planetary gearbox at 30 Hz rotating frequency

    图 12  20 Hz转频下双级行星齿轮箱太阳轮常见故障ICMSE分析结果

    Figure 12.  ICMSE analysis results of faults of sun gear of two-stage planetary gearbox at 20 Hz rotating frequency

    图 13  30 Hz转频下双级行星齿轮箱太阳轮常见故障ICMSE分析结果

    Figure 13.  ICMSE analysis results of faults of sun gear of two-stage planetary gearbox at 30 Hz rotating frequency

    图 14  MSE特征集降重后第一、二主成分分量

    Figure 14.  First and second principal components of MSE feature set after dimension reduction

    图 15  GMSE特征集降重后第一、二主成分分量

    Figure 15.  First and second principal components of GMSE feature set after dimension reduction

    图 16  CMSE特征集降重后第一、二主成分分量

    Figure 16.  First and second principal components of CMSE feature set after dimension reduction

    图 17  ICMSE特征集降重后第一、二主成分分量

    Figure 17.  First and second principal components of ICMSE feature set after dimension reduction

    表  1  20 Hz转频下太阳轮常见故障对应VMD参数

    Table  1.   VMD parameters corresponding to common faults of sun gear at 20 Hz rotating frequency

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    表  2  fim与原始信号的相关系数和欧氏距离

    Table  2.   Correlation coefficient and Euclidean distance between fim and original signal

    分量 相关系数 欧氏距离
    fim1 0.8153 0.4892
    fim2 0.7703 0.6077
    fim3 0.7033 0.6924
    fim4 0.6567 0.7512
    fim5 0.5614 0.8092
    fim6 0.4756 0.8331
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    表  3  支持向量机多故障分类器对4种太阳轮故障识别结果(Qtrain1Qtest1

    Table  3.   Recognition results of support vector machine multi fault classifier for four kinds of sun gear faults (Qtrain1Qtest1

    cg SVM多故障分类器对测试样本识别结果/%
    正常状态识别率 裂纹故障识别率 缺齿故障识别率 磨损故障识别率 平均故障识别率
    MSE (48.50,0.57) 80 55 95 90 80
    GMSE (16,1.5) 90 90 100 55 83.75
    CMSE (27.8,7.5) 80 90 100 90 90
    ICMSE (62.7,3.2) 80 100 100 100 95
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    表  4  基于ICMSE和SVM的识别结果

    Table  4.   Recognition results based on ICMSE and SVM

    随机样本 cg SVM多故障分类器对测试样本识别结果/%
    正常状态识别率 裂纹故障识别率 缺齿故障识别率 磨损故障识别率 平均故障识别率
    ICMSE Qtrain2Qtest2 (67,4.7) 87 100 100 97 96
    Qtrain3Qtest3 (48,6.2) 83 100 100 100 95.75
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