Effect of equivalence ratio on kerosene-hydrogen-air rotating detonation propagation at room temperature
Abstract:In order to study the effect of equivalence ratios and hydrogen mass fractions on the propagation characteristics of a rotating detonation wave, the evolution process was numerically simulated by utilizing the kerosene and hydrogen as fuel and air as oxidant. The propagation characteristics of rotating detonation wave, the component distribution characteristics of internal flow field and the stability of detonation wave were analyzed. The simulated results showed that with the increase of hydrogen mass fractions, the range of equivalence ratios for successful initiation of a rotating detonation in the combustor was narrowed gradually. At the same time, the recorded peak pressures of detonations decreased, while the propagation speed increased with the velocity deficits showing a non-monotonous variation with the equivalence ratio. Under the fuel-lean condition, the fuel and oxidant in the fuel-rich zone were not evenly mixed and the oxygen was distributed in strips; under the fuel-rich condition, the deflagration zone increased and its reaction strength was intensified, and the edge of the oxygen-rich zone was in wavy shapes. The propagation stability of rotating detonations was higher when the equivalence ratio was 1.0 to 1.2, and the time interval from ignition to the formation of a stable rotating detonation wave reached the minimum at the stoichiometric equivalence ratio, but increased with the increase of hydrogen mass fractions.
表 1 化学反应及参数
Table 1. Chemical reactions and parameters
化学反应 A/10−8 E/10−7 (J/kg·mol) H2+0.5O2=H2O 9.87 3.1 C12H23+17.75O2=12CO2+11.5H2O 25.8 12.5 表 2 数值模拟计算值与C-J理论值的差异
Table 2. Differences between the calculated value of numerical simulation and the theoretical value of C-J
参数 理论值 计算值 误差 T/K 2887.86 2884.63 0.11% p/MPa 3.07 3.16 2.93% v/(m/s) 1880.9 1742.16 7.38% -
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