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黄瀚黎 吕亚锦 郑权 吴明亮 肖强 王放 翁春生

黄瀚黎, 吕亚锦, 郑权, 等. 当量比对常温煤油-氢气-空气旋转爆轰传播影响[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220712 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220712
引用本文: 黄瀚黎, 吕亚锦, 郑权, 等. 当量比对常温煤油-氢气-空气旋转爆轰传播影响[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(9):20220712 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220712
HUANG Hanli, LYU Yajin, ZHENG Quan, et al. Effect of equivalence ratio on kerosene-hydrogen-air rotating detonation propagation at room temperature[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220712 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220712
Citation: HUANG Hanli, LYU Yajin, ZHENG Quan, et al. Effect of equivalence ratio on kerosene-hydrogen-air rotating detonation propagation at room temperature[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(9):20220712 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220712


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220712
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12272185,12172177,12102195,12202204); 中国博士后科学基金(2022M711622); 江苏省卓越博士后计划




  • 中图分类号: V231

Effect of equivalence ratio on kerosene-hydrogen-air rotating detonation propagation at room temperature

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  旋转爆轰燃烧室二维计算域示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of two-dimensional calculation domain of rotating detonation combustor

    图 2  ω(H2)=0.3,Er=1监测点(x=100 mm、y=5 mm)的压力和温度时程曲线

    Figure 2.  Pressure and temperature time history curve at monitoring point (x=100 mm,y=5 mm), ω(H2)=0.3,Er=1

    图 3  不同网格尺寸燃烧室入口压力分布图

    Figure 3.  Pressure distribution at the inlet of combustor with different mesh sizes

    图 4  RDE工作范围分布图

    Figure 4.  Distribution map of RDE working scope

    图 5  不同工况下连续旋转爆轰波平均压力峰值和平均温度峰值分布

    Figure 5.  Distribution of average peak pressure and average peak temperature of continuous rotating detonation wave under different working conditions

    图 6  不同工况下连续旋转爆轰波速度及速度亏损分布

    Figure 6.  Velocity and velocity deficit distribution of continuous rotating detonation wave under different working conditions

    图 7  内流场当量比及各组分分布(Er=0.5、ω(H2)=0.3)

    Figure 7.  Equivalent ratio of internal flow field and distribution of each components (Er=0.5,ω(H2)=0.3)

    图 8  内流场当量比及各组分分布(Er=0.8、ω(H2)=0.3)

    Figure 8.  Equivalent ratio of internal flow field and distribution of each components (Er=0.8,ω(H2)=0.3)

    图 9  内流场当量比及各组分分布(Er=1.0、ω(H2)=0.3)

    Figure 9.  Equivalent ratio of internal flow field and distribution of each components (Er=1.0,ω(H2)=0.3)

    图 10  内流场当量比及各组分分布(Er=1.5、ω(H2)=0.3)

    Figure 10.  Equivalent ratio of internal flow field and distribution of each components (Er=1.5,ω(H2)=0.3)

    图 11  spsT随当量比和氢气质量分数的变化曲线

    Figure 11.  Variation curve of sp and sT with equivalent ratio and hydrogen mass fraction

    图 12  当量比和氢气质量分数的变化对 $ \Delta {t}_{\mathrm{f}} $的影响

    Figure 12.  Influence of equivalence ratio and hydrogen mass fraction on $ \Delta {t}_{\mathrm{f}} $

    表  1  化学反应及参数

    Table  1.   Chemical reactions and parameters

    化学反应 A/10−8 E/10−7 (J/kg·mol)
    H2+0.5O2=H2O 9.87 3.1
    C12H23+17.75O2=12CO2+11.5H2O 25.8 12.5
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    表  2  数值模拟计算值与C-J理论值的差异

    Table  2.   Differences between the calculated value of numerical simulation and the theoretical value of C-J

    参数 理论值 计算值 误差
    T/K 2887.86 2884.63 0.11%
    p/MPa 3.07 3.16 2.93%
    v/(m/s) 1880.9 1742.16 7.38%
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-09-21
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