Research status and prospect of aircraft heat pipe anti-icing technology
Abstract:In order to deeply understand and develop the anti-icing technology of heat pipe, the research status of different types of heat pipes in aircraft anti-icing field was mainly discussed, the theoretical and experimental results of loop heat pipe, rotating heat pipe and gravity heat pipe used in anti-icing of aircraft wings and engine front parts were summarized, the main characteristics of loop heat pipe and rotating heat pipe for anti-icing were sorted out, and the development direction of heat pipe anti-icing technology was prospected. The results showed that the researches on heat pipe anti-icing technology were still at initial stage, and most of them stayed in the design and feasibility verification of heat pipe anti-icing system. These suggested that subsequent research should be concentrated on experiments, and the method of combining numerical calculation and experimental research should be adopted, with a focus on the operation characteristics of heat pipe anti-icing system under the aircraft environment and icing meteorological conditions; moreover, the influences of factors such as the characteristics of the working medium, working temperature and liquid filling rate on the heat transfer performance of the heat pipe anti-icing system were determined, thus providing a theoretical and experimental support for the design optimization and practical application of heat pipe anti-icing system.
表 1 传统防冰和除冰方法及缺点
Table 1. Traditional anti-icing and de-icing methods and drawbacks
防冰和除冰方法 实施方式 缺点 液体防冰 表面喷洒防冰液 腐蚀性强、防冰效率有限 机械除冰 气动胀管除冰 需要维修、笨重、除冰不彻底 热气防冰 发动机引气 推力减小,油耗增加 电热防冰 电能转化为热能 高品位能量消耗大 表 2 防冰用环路热管主要特点
Table 2. Main characteristics of loop heat pipes for anti-icing
来源 工作液 工作温度/℃ 环路热管材料 结构特点 传热量或热载荷/W Anderson等人[11] 甲醇/乙醇 –28~340 传统型带泵回路 2930 (最大值)Anderson等人[13] 甲苯/甲醇 30~60 250~300 Phillips等人[14] 10~80 传统型 1500 (最大值)Phillips等人[15-16] 氨 –20~90 不锈钢 多冷凝器型,带旁路阀 3800 杨鹏[17] 水 –20~232 铜 传统型,10根环路热管 500(单根) Valle等人[19-20] 氨 –20~60 多冷凝器型,带开关阀和三通阀 100~400 Zhao等人[21] 乙醇 不锈钢 双储液器型 10~180 Su等人[22] 40%、60%、80%、100%
乙醇-水混合液–20~150 不锈钢 双储液器型 100~300 Su等人[23] 甲醇 不锈钢 60~140 Gregori等人[24] 丙酮
50~89铜/不锈钢 传统型 25~500
50~450表 3 防冰用旋转热管的主要特点
Table 3. Main features of rotating heat pipes for anti-icing
来源 工作液 充液率/% 工作温度/℃ 旋转热管材料 转速/
103 (r/min)腔室结构 传热量/W Ponnappan等人[48] 纯水/甲醇 18.3/12.6 20~250 不锈钢 5~30 半锥角为1° 1033 (最大值)/
644(最大值)Gilchrist等人[25] −40~100 铜 5~30 半锥角为0°~3.5° 95~207 Gilchrist等人[27] 水/乙醇 −30~100 铜/不锈钢 5~20 半锥角为1°~5°
或者阶梯形600~ 1700 (水)
400~750(乙醇)宣益民等人[28] 乙醇 −10~94 紫铜 1/2/3 全锥角为0.8° 500~ 3000 连文磊等人[29] 水 4~53 铜 1~10 半锥角为2° 200~600 连文磊等人[30] 水/乙醇 6 铜 1~5 全锥角为1° 200~ 1000 连文磊等人[31] 乙醇 6~23 −20~110 紫铜 1~4.5 全锥角为0.8° 576~ 2048 Du等人[32] 纯水 30 −20~85 黄铜 0.1(最大值) 半锥角为1° 75~200 -
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