Numerical simulation on drag and heat reduction of hypersonic spike-aerodisk-self-coupled stamping lateral jet concept
Abstract:The drag and heat reduction effect of hypersonic spike-aerodisk-self-coupled stamping lateral jet configuration was numerically simulated. Compared with the simple spike-aerodisk, the spike-aerodisk-self-coupled stamping lateral jet configuration pushed the shear layer away from the wall, enlarged the recirculation zone near the blunt body, and pushed the separating shock away from the spike. The strength of the attachment shock was significantly weakened, and the drag and heat reduction characteristics of the combined configuration were significantly improved. The drag and heat reduction mechanism of the spike-aerodisk-self-coupled stamping lateral jet configuration was studied, and the influences of different parameters on the drag and heat reduction effect were discussed. Within the study range, the drag and heat reduction effect was continuously improved when the lateral jet angle increased from 30° to 90°, but when the lateral jet angle increased from 90° to 120°, the drag and heat reduction effect decreased slightly. For lateral multiple jets, the farther the second lateral jet was from the blunt body wall surface, the better the drag and heat reduction performance. The configuration with the best drag and heat reduction effect was compared with the configuration with the same parameter spike-aerodisk, finding that the peak value of Stanton number on blunt body wall was reduced by 39.7%, and the drag coefficient of configuration was reduced by 19.3%.
表 1 网格信息
Table 1. Grid information
类型 网格数量 壁面第一层网格高度/10−5 m 粗网格 220525 3.5 中等网格 316262 1 密网格 355274 0.5 表 2 双侧向排气孔构型计算工况
Table 2. Cases for working conditions for double jets
计算工况 Lr1 Lr2 Case-1 0.5 0.3 Case-2 0.5 0.4 Case-3 0.6 0.5 Case-4 0.7 0.5 -
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