Supercritical kerosene combustion characteristics of single-head combustor
为深入了解超临界煤油在航空发动机中的燃烧特性,基于某型航空发动机双旋流燃烧室单头部模型,开展了不同环境压力及当量比下超临界煤油燃烧直连式试验及数值模拟研究,获得了煤油喷注状态对燃烧室燃烧特性的影响规律。结果表明,相同试验条件下,煤油由亚临界转变为超临界状态对于出口中心点温度值未产生明显影响,但在一定程度上提高了燃烧室出口温度均匀性,出口温度分布系数由最大0.315下降至0.294。煤油以超临界态喷注时,出口温度均匀性随着当量比增加而提高,出口温度分布系数在380 kPa条件下由0.294降低至0.195,580 kPa时由0.398降低至0.210。基于自有CFD软件针对各工况开展了燃烧室流场数值模拟,获得的温度分布变化规律与试验一致。研究结果表明,煤油以超临界状态喷注可增强油气掺混,着火燃烧提前,主燃区向上游迁移,出口温度分布均匀性提高。
Abstract:In order to deeply understand the combustion characteristics of supercritical kerosene in aeroengine, a series of direct-connect experiments and numerical simulations were carried out under different ambient pressures and equivalent ratios based on a single-head model of an aeroengine dual-swirl combustion chamber. The influence of kerosene injection condition on combustion characteristics was obtained. The results showed that, under the same experimental conditions, the transition of kerosene from subcritical to supercritical condition had no obvious effect on the outlet center temperature, but it improved the outlet temperature uniformity to a certain extent, as the outlet temperature distribution coefficient decreased from 0.315 to 0.294. When kerosene was injected in supercritical condition, the uniformity of outlet temperature increased with the increase of equivalent ratio, as the outlet temperature distribution coefficient decreased from 0.294 to 0.195 at 380 kPa, and from 0.394 to 0.210 at 580 kPa. Numerical simulations of combustor flow field under various conditions were carried out based on our own CFD software, and the temperature distribution trend obtained was consistent with the experiments. The results showed that kerosene injected in supercritical condition can enhance fuel and air mixing, advance combustion, migrate the main combustion zone upstream and improve the uniformity of outlet temperature distribution.
表 1 试验工况
Table 1. Experimental conditions of different cases
工况 pavg/MPa Tavg/K Φ $ \dot{{m}} $f/(g/s) pc/MPa 1 1.20 536 0.30 10.85 0.58 2 2.10 561 0.30 11.02 0.58 3 2.50 662 0.30 11.02 0.58 4 2.34 655 0.36 13.26 0.58 5 2.91 671 0.39 14.31 0.58 6 2.56 663 0.30 11.08 0.38 7 2.40 656 0.36 13.36 0.38 8 2.72 665 0.39 14.18 0.38 表 2 3种工况条件下出口温度计算
Table 2. Simulation results of outlet temperature under three working conditions
工况 平均温度/K 最高温度/K 温度分布系数 1 1 369.49 1 571.07 0.342 2 1 371.28 1 571.04 0.338 3 1 385.22 1 550.95 0.278 -
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