Influence of variable temperature circulating air on turbine guide vane life
Abstract:To improve the reliability and service life of gas turbine guide vane, the concept of variable temperature circulating air conditioning was introduced. Taking a turbine vane as an example, the thermal shock cycle fatigue life of a gas turbine vane was studied, and three-dimensional fluid-solid thermal coupling finite element analysis of stress state under start-stop cycle load spectrum of turbine guide vane was carried out. According to the change law of thermal shock stress of the vane in the cold air of the variable temperature cycle, the temperature field distribution and stress field distribution of the vane in the steady state and transition state in the cycle were obtained, and then the structural strength and fatigue life of the vane under each calculation condition were analyzed and evaluated. A test bench was built, thermal shock fatigue test was carried out on the turbine guide vane of this type of gas turbine under constant temperature cold air circulation, and then the test results were compared with the results of finite element analysis, showing that: the large area of turbine van stress obtained by three-dimensional fluid-solid thermal coupling finite element analysis was located at the trailing edge of turbine van and the middle of turbine van basin, consistent with the failure zone obtained by thermal shock test; the thermal fatigue life of vane can be effectively improved by changing the cooling circulation temperature.
表 1 涡轮导叶工况参数
Table 1. Turbine guide vane operating parameters
参数 燃气
MPa数值及说明 可调 可调 0.75 0.35 表 2 涡轮导叶各危险节点载荷应力
Table 2. Load stress at each dangerous node of the turbine guide vane
节点编号 载荷应力/MPa 外部节点 内部节点 1 29.5 58.2 2 27.6 52.1 3 38.6 59.5 4 220.4 231.2 5 231.7 228.7 6 91.53 88.5 7 128.4 125.1 8 157.2 166.8 9 134.3 132.4 10 103.8 129.4 -
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