Error analysis and uncertainty assessment of intake momentum measurement in thrust test
Abstract:In the high altitude simulation test, the measurement method of intake momentum required for engine thrust statistics and the components of measurement uncertainty were introduced. The measurement error of flow coefficient affected by Reynolds number and the calculation error of inlet velocity caused by boundary layer velocity loss were given. The uncertainty of these two errors was analyzed theoretically. Taking the typical flight condition of a turbofan engine as an example, numerical simulation and test measurement were carried out, and the corresponding uncertainty of intake momentum measurement was obtained. The results showed that the uncertainty of intake momentum in thrust measurement was about 1.2%—1.4%. The error of flow coefficient caused by Reynolds number deviation and the calculation error of intake velocity cannot be ignored, and should be taken into account in the calibration method or correction method.
表 1 进气流量试验气流参数表
Table 1. Test parameters of intake mass flow test
Ma pt/kPa Tt/K Re/106 IRe 0.3 80 280 4.98 0.82 65 280 4.04 0.67 50 280 3.11 0.51 35 280 2.18 0.36 20 280 1.24 0.20 15 280 0.93 0.15 12 280 0.75 0.12 0.4 80 280 6.44 0.82 65 280 5.23 0.67 50 280 4.02 0.51 35 280 2.82 0.36 20 280 1.61 0.20 15 280 1.21 0.15 12 280 0.97 0.12 -
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