Investigation of performance approximate revision methods for engine with adjustable convergence nozzle in ram pressure calibration of altitude simulated test
Abstract:A method of revising the performance of an engine with adjustable convergent nozzle caused by nozzle control deviation in ram pressure calibration of Altitude Simulated Test was presented. According to this method, the correction coefficient was obtained by comparing the test results under ram pressure condition with those under equal ram pressure condition. The approximate correction of calibration test results under the condition of ram pressure was realized. For a turbofan engine, the experiments in altitude test and the overall performance simulation were carried out. The variation of engine performance under nozzle control deviation was obtained, and the correction of calibration test results under ram pressure condition was realized. The results showed that this calibration test method was feasible under the condition of ram pressure, and the difference between the engine thrust and other main performance parameters obtained by the above method and the factory test results was less than 2.0%.
$ {W_{\text{a}}} $ 空气质量流量(kg/s) Ma 马赫数 $ {W_{\text{f}}} $ 燃油质量流量(kg/h) $ {F_{\text{g}}} $ 总推力(N) A 面积(m2) $ {F_{\text{m}}} $ 测量推力(N) p 气体压力(Pa) V 气流速度(m/s) T 气体温度(K) 下标 R 气体常数(J/(kg·K)) t 滞止的,总的 $ \lambda $ 速度系数 c 规定的飞行状态下 $ q (\lambda ) $ 流量函数 r 环面的 H 飞行高度(km) sch 高空舱内的 表 1 发动机主要性能参数差异(nlc=103.86%)
Table 1. Main parameters deviation for engine performance (nlc=103.86%)
参数 相对变化量/% $ {n_{{\text{lc}}}} $ $ {n_{{\text{hc}}}} $ −0.07 $ {W_{{\text{ac}}}} $ −0.19 $ {W_{{\text{fc}}}} $ −2.81 $ {T_{{\text{5c}}}} $ −1.32 $ {F_{{\text{gc}}}} $ −2.26 $ {\pi _{\text{f}}} $ −1.61 表 2 A8面积变化发动机仿真计算结果
Table 2. Simulate results for engine caused by A8 deviation
参数 相对变化量/% $ {A_8} $ 2.01 $ {\pi _{\text{f}}} $ −1.45 $ {n_{\text{h}}} $ −0.37 $ {T_{\text{5}}} $ −1.05 $ {W_{\text{f}}} $ −2.78 $ {F_{\text{g}}} $ −2.09 表 3 修正后的校准试验结果与出厂数据比较
Table 3. Revised calibration test results vs. producer data
参数 相对变化量/% $ {n_{{\text{lc}}}} $ $ {n_{{\text{hc}}}} $ −0.15 $ {W_{{\text{fc}}}} $ 1.90 $ {T_{{\text{5c}}}} $ 0.78 $ {F_{{\text{gc}}}} $ −0.53 -
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