Comparative analysis on aircraft and engine integration performance of RBCC engines with different fuels
为了研究不同燃料火箭基组合循环(rocket based combined cycle,RBCC)发动机总体性能的影响,建立了RBCC发动机准一维总体性能仿真模型,分别研究了以液氧煤油、过氧化氢煤油、液氧甲烷和液氧液氢为燃料的RBCC发动机推力和比冲性能。结合飞/发一体化性能分析模型,研究了不同燃料发动机性能对完成飞行任务能力的影响。结果表明:氢燃料RBCC发动机引射模态推力是煤油燃料RBCC发动机的1.3倍;氢燃料RBCC动力飞行器巡航距离最远,为4470 km;相同的飞行器参数下,过氧化氢煤油燃料RBCC动力飞行器机动性最大。本方法可为RBCC发动机总体性能方案设计和燃料选取提供参考。
Abstract:In order to study the impact of different fuels on the overall performance of rocket based combined cycle (RBCC) engines, a quasi-one-dimensional overall performance simulation model of RBCC engines was built. The thrust and specific impulse performance of RBCC engines fueled with liquid oxygen kerosene, hydrogen peroxide kerosene, liquid oxygen methane, and liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen were studied. Combined with the integrated aircraft engine performance analysis model, the effects of different fuel engine performance on flight mission capability were studied. The results showed that at ejector mode, the thrust of hydrogen fuel was 1.3 times greater than kerosene fuel; the hydrogen fueled RBCC engine had the farthest cruising distance of 4470 km; under the same aircraft parameters, hydrogen peroxide kerosene fuel RBCC powered aircraft had the highest maneuverability. This method can provide a reference for the overall performance scheme design and fuel selection of RBCC engines.
Key words:
- RBCC engine /
- aircraft and engine integration /
- kerosene /
- methane /
- hydrogen /
- engine performance
表 1 发动机设计点参数
Table 1. Engine design point parameters
参 数 数值 整机参数 空气流量Wa0/(kg/s) 2.0 整机宽度/m 0.12 飞行条件 飞行高度H/km 26.5 飞行马赫数Ma0 6.0 进气道 出口马赫数Ma2 3.0 修正马赫数 4.0 隔离段 高度His/m 0.044 长度/m 0.30 火箭 流量/(kg/s) 1 火箭室压/MPa 3 燃烧室 扩张段扩张比 1.5/2.0 当量油气比Φ 1.0 燃烧效率ηb 0.85 两段供油比例Φ1/Φ2 1∶4 尾喷管 底板长度 1.0 A9/A0 1.5 扩张角/(°) 15 表 2 不同燃料燃烧特性
Table 2. Combustion characteristics of different fuels
燃料 空燃比 燃烧热/
空气放热/MJ甲烷 17.16 50.02 2.91 煤油 14.70 43.11 2.93 氢 34.48 143.0 3.13 表 3 约束条件
Table 3. Constraint conditions
航段 航段 马赫数Ma 质量比 1 起飞 0~0.3 0.9 2 加速爬升 0.3~0.8 0.7 3 等动压爬升 1.5~6 0.4 4 巡航 6 0.4 5 降落 0~0.3 0.3 表 4 高超声速飞行器参数
Table 4. Hypersonic vehicle parameters
参数 ABLV-GT Argus Lazarus GTX RBCC 起飞质量/t 613.3 270.9 81.6 108.2 325 结构质量/t 104.4 34.2 18.9 23.4 76.48 推进剂质量/t 481 223.69 57.6 84.67 248.5 有效载荷/t 11.34 5.03 2.27 0.136 空重比 0.197 0.156 0.266 0.216 0.235 表 5 不同RBCC发动机飞/发一体化分析结果
Table 5. Analysis results of flight/engine integration for different RBCC engines
H2起飞总重/t 80 80 80 80 推质比 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 翼载/(N/m2) 5000 5000 5000 5000 机翼面积/m2 156.96 156.96 156.96 156.96 空重比 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 转场距离/km 1401.58 1936.51 2096.02 5698.68 总转场时间/min 23.50 27.63 30.08 63.36 爬升段时间/min 11.55 9.20 12.05 11.92 总耗油量/t 57.01 57.00 57.00 57.03 燃料体积/m3 61.51 56.52 95.70 492.40 巡航距离/km 200 900 860 4470.0 -
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