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杨景来 卜嘉利 佟文伟 刘东旭 郝延龙 何山

杨景来, 卜嘉利, 佟文伟, 等. 基于磨粒分析的球轴承外圈剥落扩展特性研究[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(6):20230666 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20230666
引用本文: 杨景来, 卜嘉利, 佟文伟, 等. 基于磨粒分析的球轴承外圈剥落扩展特性研究[J]. 航空动力学报, 2024, 39(6):20230666 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20230666
YANG Jinglai, BU Jiali, TONG Wenwei, et al. Research on peeling propagation characteristics of outer ring of ball bearings based on wear particles analysis[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(6):20230666 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20230666
Citation: YANG Jinglai, BU Jiali, TONG Wenwei, et al. Research on peeling propagation characteristics of outer ring of ball bearings based on wear particles analysis[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2024, 39(6):20230666 doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20230666


doi: 10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20230666
基金项目: 航空动力基础研究项目


  • 中图分类号: V233.4+53

Research on peeling propagation characteristics of outer ring of ball bearings based on wear particles analysis

  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  轴承剥落形貌

    Figure 1.  Bearing peeling morphology

    图 2  外圈初始剥落形貌

    Figure 2.  Initial peeling morphology of outer ring

    图 3  光谱分析结果

    Figure 3.  Spectral analysis results

    图 4  便携式铁谱分析结果

    Figure 4.  Portable ferrography analysis results

    图 5  铁谱分析结果(×100)

    Figure 5.  Ferrography analysis results (×100)

    图 6  铁谱分析结果(×500)

    Figure 6.  Ferrography analysis results (×500)

    图 7  外圈剥落形貌

    Figure 7.  Peeling morphology of outer ring

    图 8  滚道受力示意图

    Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of force on raceway

    图 9  剥落机理示意图

    Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of peeling mechanism

    图 10  铁谱监控标准(×100)

    Figure 10.  Standard practice for analytical ferrography (×100)

    图 11  外圈剥落实例

    Figure 11.  Example of outing ring peeling

    表  1  滑油中主要金属元素质量分数

    Table  1.   Main metal element mass fraction in lubricating oil

    元素 质量分数/10−6
    Fe 143.75
    Ti 57.49
    Al 8.83
    Cr 10.86
    Cu 4.86
    Ag 10.56
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    表  2  0.5 h能谱分析结果

    Table  2.   Energy spectrum analysis results at 0.5 h

    磨粒 质量分数/%
    Fe Cr Ni Mo Ti V
    1 4.0 4.3 0.9
    2 3.9 4.2 1.0
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3  10.5 h能谱分析结果

    Table  3.   Energy spectrum analysis results at 10.5 h

    磨粒 质量分数/%
    Fe Cr Mo V Ag
    1 4.1 4.3 0.9
    2 4.5 4.0 0.8
    3 3.9 4.4 1.1
    4 4.4 4.2 0.7 2.5
    5 1.8
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