Research on peeling propagation characteristics of outer ring of ball bearings based on wear particles analysis
Abstract:To study the peeling propagation characteristics of outer ring of aero-engine ball bearings, two experiments were carried out. The former was component experiment, which employed outer rings with prefabricated defects, the latter was aero-engine experiment, which adopted those with peeling defects. Atomic emission spectroscopy, portable ferrography, analytical ferrography and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis were conducted to analyze the wear particles in lubricating oil. The results showed that the peeling of the outer ring was progressive. The fatigue wear particles, with scratches along major dimension, continuously increased in quantity and proportion with the peeling. The total amount and size of abrasive particles showed an obvious increase during the peeling development, and also a sharp increase during the rapid propagation. In short, the peeling first appeared at a certain distance behind pits, and then extended along the rolling direction of balls, which can be divided into four stages: cracks initiation, propagation, coalescing, and peeling propagation.
Key words:
- ball bearings /
- peeling of outer ring /
- wear particles /
- prefabricated defects /
- cracks
表 1 滑油中主要金属元素质量分数
Table 1. Main metal element mass fraction in lubricating oil
元素 质量分数/10−6 Fe 143.75 Ti 57.49 Al 8.83 Cr 10.86 Cu 4.86 Ag 10.56 表 2 0.5 h能谱分析结果
Table 2. Energy spectrum analysis results at 0.5 h
磨粒 质量分数/% Fe Cr Ni Mo Ti V 1 余 4.0 4.3 0.9 2 余 3.9 4.2 1.0 表 3 10.5 h能谱分析结果
Table 3. Energy spectrum analysis results at 10.5 h
磨粒 质量分数/% Fe Cr Mo V Ag 1 余 4.1 4.3 0.9 2 余 4.5 4.0 0.8 3 余 3.9 4.4 1.1 4 余 4.4 4.2 0.7 2.5 5 1.8 余 -
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