Influences of the hub lobes on combustion instabilities in a coaxial staged combustor
针对同轴分级燃烧室,研究了分别向塔式旋流器的主燃1级和主燃2级轮毂添加波瓣结构时的燃烧不稳定性。通过冷态实验对比了不同燃烧室结构下冷态流场之间的差异,再应用大涡模拟方法获得了燃烧室全局释热率脉动频谱以及一个脉动周期内的涡量和释热率等参数云图的变化,借助动力学模态分解分析了不同燃烧室结构下的速度和释热率等模态。向主燃1级轮毂添加波瓣能够降低强漩涡出现的频率,释热率脉动幅值为全局平均释热率的4%,相比原型燃烧室下降了约45%,其释热率模态表现为高频小振幅。而向主燃2级添加波瓣则导致最大涡强度升高,主频为471 Hz的释热率脉动幅值达到了全局平均释热率的30%以上,还出现了周期性回火,不利于燃烧室稳定运行。
Abstract:In response to the combustion instability of a coaxial staged combustor, the addition of lobe to the first and second main stage combustion hubs of a tower swirlers was studied. The differences in cold velocity field of combustors under different structures were compared through experimental results. The large eddy simulation method was applied to obtain the global heat release rate fluctuation spectrum of the combustor, as well as the vorticity and heat release rate within a pulsation period. Finally, the velocity and heat release rates of different combustors were analyzed using dynamic mode decomposition. Adding lobes to the first main stage hub could reduce the frequency of strong vortices, and the pulsation amplitude of the heat release rate was 4% of the global average heat release rate, about 45% lower than the prototype combustor. The heat release rate mode exhibited high-frequency small amplitude. Adding lobes to the second main stage led to an increase in the maximum vortex intensity. The pulsation amplitude of the heat release rate with a main frequency of 471 Hz reached more than 30% of the global average heat release rate, and periodic flashbacks occurred, which was not conducive to the stable operation of the combustion chamber.
Key words:
- combustor /
- coaxial staged /
- combustion instabilities /
- large eddy simulation /
- lobes
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