A new turbulent constitutive relation was directly derived from Boussinesq's hypothesis and mixing length theory, and then implemented in the standard k-ε model. The performance of this constitutive relation was validated in zero pressure gradient flat-plate boundary layer flow, fully-developed turbulent channel flow and separated flow in a plane asymmetric diffuser. The investigation demonstrated that, this new constitutive relation gave very accurate results in the former two basic cases and provided significant improvement in prediction of separated and reattachment points in the plane asymmetric diffuser. Separation and reattachment points at x/H=7.5 and 29 were calculated accurately in comparison to experimental results, and the static pressure coefficient of 0.82 was very close to large eddy simulation calculation. These results are very encouraging but further verification and extensive application of the new constitutive relation to other two-equation eddy viscosity model are needed.