摘要: A novel variable geometry flame-holder (VGF) based on V-gutter was presented. The structural characteristics of the flame holder were introduced. Experimental study on drag characteristics of the VGF on un-burning and burning states was conducted in a rectangular combustion test rig. The influence of the change of gutter trailing edge width w on pressure recovery in different operating conditions was analyzed emphatically. Furthermore,drag characteristics in different trailing edge width variation modes were discussed. Results show that: (1) Narrowing w can observably raise the total pressure recovery σ but the highest σ is not obtained at minimum w. (2) The relationship of drag coefficient ψ and w in the un-burning conditions can be well expressed in a form of exponential equation (w/d>0.4). (3) Drag characteristics are not sensitive to the variation modes and speeds of w . (4) In the burning condition,σ decreases with the increasing of w basically and the course can be divided into three stages. The results and experimental data presented in this paper would enhance the phenomenological understanding of this type of VGF,and would contribute to the next experimental study and numerical calculus of this novel VGF.
摘要: 为了改善采用液态燃料的脉冲爆震火箭发动机内部燃料的雾化以及燃料混合物的掺混状况,采用了一种中心锥体结构.该结构发动机不采用Shchelkin螺旋增爆装置,而采用中心锥体结构、二级供应方式.采用航空煤油为燃料、压缩氧气为氧化剂、压缩氮气为隔离气体,在该结构脉冲爆震火箭发动机上获得了充分发展的爆震波并且能够在多循环条件下稳定工作.实验结果表明,该结构可以大大缩短DDT(deflagration to detonation transition)距离,在实验条件下爆燃向爆震转变距离约为管径的5倍.较之同一管径采用Shchelkin螺旋增爆装置的脉冲爆震火箭发动机,该结构发动机的爆燃向爆震转变距离缩短了57.5%.
摘要: 研究了一种压升规律的曲面压缩面,设计了高超弯曲激波二维进气道,并用数值模拟手段对该进气道和同等条件下的常规高超二维三楔进气道、楔+等熵进气道的性能进行了比较.数值模拟表明:通过给定合理压缩面压升规律来设计压缩面并改善压缩面附面层稳定性是可行的,弯曲激波二维进气道的长度比同等条件下的常规二维三楔、楔+等熵进气道分别缩短12%和10%,并且对来流 Ma 变化不敏感,综合性能优势明显、应用前景大.
摘要: 通过对航空涡轴发动机数字式导叶控制系统各个环节分析计算,建立了系统的数学模型,在系统仿真分析的基础上,对PID(proportion integral derivative)控制器进行了改进设计,提出了不完全微分先行二阶PID控制方法.试验结果表明,使用不完全微分先行二阶PID控制方法,导叶控制系统性能明显改善:响应迅速,无振荡,仅有很小超调,满足了系统研制性能要求.