摘要: 为了研究某型发动机中的Γ型蒸发管的蒸发性能,在进口空气为常压条件下进行实验研究.实验采用燃气加热,模拟实际蒸发管工作环境.实验研究气油比、进口空气温度以及蒸发管管壁温度的变化对蒸发管燃油蒸发率及出口索太尔平均直径SMD(Sauter mean diameter)的影响.实验结果表明:气油比(AFR)、蒸发管空气进口温度及蒸发管壁温对蒸发率及SMD都有着很大的影响,气油比的增大和空气进口温度的增大以及蒸发管壁温的提高都会导致燃油蒸发率的增大和出口SMD直径的减小,而三者中壁温的作用最为显著.
摘要: An experimental and numerical study was conducted to investigate the forced response of blade vibration induced by rotating stall in a low speed axial compressor. Measurements have been made of the transient stalling process in a low speed axial compressor stage. The CFD study was performed using solution of 3-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, coupled with structure finite element models for the blades to identify modal shapes and structural deformations simultaneously. Interactions between fluid and structure were managed in a coupled manner, based on the interface information exchange until convergence in each time step. Based on the rotating stall measurement data obtained from a low speed axial compressor, the blade aeroelastic response induced by the rotating stall flow field was analyzed to study the vibration characteristics and the correlation between the phenomena. With this approach,good agreement between the numerical results and the experimental data was observed. The flow phenomena were well captured, and the results indicate that the rotating field stall plays a significant role in the blade vibration and stress affected by the flow excitation.